My Call failure rate is 100% after sleep, until reboot , and not sleeping yet.
It does turn on the screen though , when an incomming call is made from my other mobile.
So the PP knows something is happening.
How can one make a Clean install w. ie DEV 53 ?
Is that dd/etcher the DEV53 image to an SD , and boot from SD. Then copy to eMMC (if needed) ?
How's the SD card speed (internally) on the PP ?
I'm asking if the PP will utilize the higher SD card throughput, in the current state ?
I mean i have several "Free" Sandisk Ultra 32GB cards, that i could use as Devel cards.
But if there is a huge speed increase in getting a Sandisk Extreme 32G , i'd consider it.
It's not the 10€ , but the shipping that's a "killer"
Edit: 10€ is a super offer ... Ordered 4 , to get free shipping