03-25-2018, 07:16 PM
I have tried numerous and they all have had problems.
Armbian ( https://dl.armbian.com/pine64/) : just loads up to a certain point then starts just spewing "Call trace:" Even their Ubuntu image won't boot (Kernel panic).
The Ayunfan current image ( https://github.com/ayufan-pine64/linux-b...tag/0.7.19 ) boots, but requires additional files from an repo to install a desktop which is no longer available.
Older versions seem to get that Kernel Panic also.
The only one I can get up and running, is the one listed on the Wiki, but is not stable at all.
Another other suggestions?
Armbian ( https://dl.armbian.com/pine64/) : just loads up to a certain point then starts just spewing "Call trace:" Even their Ubuntu image won't boot (Kernel panic).
The Ayunfan current image ( https://github.com/ayufan-pine64/linux-b...tag/0.7.19 ) boots, but requires additional files from an repo to install a desktop which is no longer available.
Older versions seem to get that Kernel Panic also.
The only one I can get up and running, is the one listed on the Wiki, but is not stable at all.
Another other suggestions?