10-19-2022, 09:46 AM
Hello, I have a Pinecil V2 in the mail and am thinking about ordering a new power bank that can power it to its full potential. The product page lists the maximum draw at 20v 3A, but the official wiki page lists 28V as the maximum input voltage and 88w being the corresponding wattage for USB, with EPR being required to get over 60w. I was just wondering which one of these I should trust, and if EPR is supported now or was planned to be included in a future firmware update? And it it is or will be supported, why isn't that power supported over the barrel plug? Basically I wanna know what specs I need on my power supply to get the full power output, and preferably over USB, but I would like to know if I can pump 28v to the barrel jack too. Thanks for y'all's time!