Suggestions for the Pinephone pro
Now, I'm speaking as a no user, but wanted to help out anyway with some thoughts! Smile

1. Bigger battery option, I do not know if there was an options for the specific battery used for that specific phone, but if so, someone might be able to 3D print a cover and we could get that option. I have not looked into it, but I recall they used a battery from some kind of phone and there might have been providers for bigger battery options for that phone model, and thereby we just need a 3D print cover for it to the Pinephone pro. The bigger battery would make more lifetime, and you can nearly never get to much of that! 6400 mAh battery seem to be a great size, weight and Amp juice for my LG V20!!! Always nice with a transparent cover by the way! Wink 

2. To see The External battery is great but, it does only seem to work with the standard slim batteries, if maybe a better design could be fixed that would support bigger batteries, that would be awesome! Smile I just got a usb charger for external charging although it does not fully charge the batteries, but around 90%, but it works pretty well overall it seems. It does seem to be able to charge the 2 different kind of batteries for the 2 different phones I have tested it with, although I do not know how much it charges the other kind of batteries as that phone screen is dead. German expensive trash that breaks by just minor drops.

3. Recording calls!!! This would be a HUGE seller point, Google did Evil and took this away in Android 9 beside doing other Evil things to kill recording apps. I've heard this was a standard feature in Android, although that must be before my time - after they took that away, programmers quickly filled the emptiness but sadly Google knock that down as well. So filthy, disgusting criminal company.

4. IF the screen breaks in the Pinephone, it would be a wonder if you could just connect to a screen and keyboard and get access to your data!!! Like I'm sitting with my German Trash of the Shift 6mq, now payed for 120 Euro or so for the 3 screen. And it would have been nice if one could just have connected to a Screen and keyboard and access the system itself. I think you might already have some kind of option for that, but at least if that was possible, what a seller point as well and satisfaction for the user overall Wink

I think that is all I can help with as of now. I'm in the opinion that the 5 year old LG V20 is still the best phone on the marked, yet I would only give it 1 star out of 10 on a 10 grade scale. Don't root it, just use it as it is. The New Shift 6mq that I got would be graded with half a star, and the rest of the phones which does not have the 3 essentials of Jack-phone, Memory card and Changeable battery is primary 0 stars, there might be one exception, a handworker mobile running Android 8 and having the ability to measure air pollution, but I never tried it and it is old as well.

And the last word, GO PINEPHOOOOONE!!!! I hope you get some wind in the sails - if you just work your way to the mountain top, then it will fly with great speed down the hill Smile Many are interested in releasing them self from the tyrants, a community based phone with people behind it and not greedy tyrants, pushing ads and putting there dog noses up in our butt holes to steal our data, would be awesome.

I don't know if I have time and such for sniffing issues, and buying one of those Pinephone Pro - but... I'm pretty hard in my grading stars, but if you can get the essential foundational things worked out, this stands to shine! Go freedom for the people and take care that Evil people don't take things over from the inside, sadly we do see this some places in the open source environment. Like we are so concerned about your privacy, says Firefox, first thing sending you to google search engine by default Tongue Look at the fruit produced not their empty words... FSF are correct, we always want the users to have the freedom and choices, not give it out to Tyrants who decide what they think is best for us!

- Darkijah
1. That is something that is badly needed, however I don't know if there is a bigger battery in the form factor that the Pinephone uses. (I know you said Pinephone Pro but that uses the same battery.) An example of this is a friend gave me an old Galaxy Nexus running CyanogenMod. (I use it just as a camera.) It has a removable 1850 mA battery as standard. However it also has an optional 3800 mA battery, thicker, that otherwise fits where the smaller battery goes. A modified back cover fits over the battery. Something like this would be great for the Pinephone if it were feasible. Battery life is probably the worst downside right now. It's not too bad for me because I leave the phone off most of the time but when I do use it the battery depletes pretty rapidly.

2. I bought a standalone charger that can work with just about any size removable phone battery.

3. There is a "Sound Recorder" application in Mobian. I have not tried it and do not know if it is just a standalone recorder for making notes etc. or if it can record calls.

4. If you set up sshd you can ssh into the phone to get to the command line. You can also run WayVNC to get to the phone's GUI via VNC client. It's possible to hook up a screen, mouse, and keyboard using the docking port that comes with the "convergence" edition Pinephone but I think there have been issues getting the screen output to work. (Possibly it would work with other USB docks as well.) Should be the same on the Pro model.
Often when people do "suggestions for whatever you're selling" kind of threads, it's some bullshit stuff like "make it more inclusive and less 'hateful'" (aka, turn something that's actually good with potential to become the next great thing into exactly the thing people are running away from in the first place), so I'm glad this is not the case here.

1 & 2. I'll merge your first 2 points since they're technically the same.
Battery life is something everyone pointed out from day 1, and it's still not an easy task.
Just look at your laptop, how long does it take until it's run out while doing hardware demanding stuff like playing video games, video editing, or.......checking out social media?
Yes, because nowadays browser-based bloat is more hardware demanding than video games and video editing combined even.

3. Google didn't really take it away, they still record all your calls without any doubt, they only removed the option for you to record it as well.
But how hard is it to put your phone in speaker mode, and place it near a hot microphone which you'd record using Sneedacity or something similar?

4. Walton answered this question more or less in the same way as I would do (minux the VNC part, I'm more of a command line user myself), so I'll just leave it at that.
(12-09-2021, 08:35 AM)JesusGod-Pope666.Info Wrote: Now, I'm speaking as a no user, but wanted to help out anyway with some thoughts! Smile

1. Bigger battery option, I do not know if there was an options for the specific battery used for that specific phone, but if so, someone might be able to 3D print a cover and we could get that option. I have not looked into it, but I recall they used a battery from some kind of phone and there might have been providers for bigger battery options for that phone model, and thereby we just need a 3D print cover for it to the Pinephone pro. The bigger battery would make more lifetime, and you can nearly never get to much of that! 6400 mAh battery seem to be a great size, weight and Amp juice for my LG V20!!! Always nice with a transparent cover by the way! Wink 

2. To see The External battery is great but, it does only seem to work with the standard slim batteries, if maybe a better design could be fixed that would support bigger batteries, that would be awesome! Smile I just got a usb charger for external charging although it does not fully charge the batteries, but around 90%, but it works pretty well overall it seems. It does seem to be able to charge the 2 different kind of batteries for the 2 different phones I have tested it with, although I do not know how much it charges the other kind of batteries as that phone screen is dead. German expensive trash that breaks by just minor drops.

3. Recording calls!!! This would be a HUGE seller point, Google did Evil and took this away in Android 9 beside doing other Evil things to kill recording apps. I've heard this was a standard feature in Android, although that must be before my time - after they took that away, programmers quickly filled the emptiness but sadly Google knock that down as well. So filthy, disgusting criminal company.

4. IF the screen breaks in the Pinephone, it would be a wonder if you could just connect to a screen and keyboard and get access to your data!!! Like I'm sitting with my German Trash of the Shift 6mq, now payed for 120 Euro or so for the 3 screen. And it would have been nice if one could just have connected to a Screen and keyboard and access the system itself. I think you might already have some kind of option for that, but at least if that was possible, what a seller point as well and satisfaction for the user overall Wink

I think that is all I can help with as of now. I'm in the opinion that the 5 year old LG V20 is still the best phone on the marked, yet I would only give it 1 star out of 10 on a 10 grade scale. Don't root it, just use it as it is. The New Shift 6mq that I got would be graded with half a star, and the rest of the phones which does not have the 3 essentials of Jack-phone, Memory card and Changeable battery is primary 0 stars, there might be one exception, a handworker mobile running Android 8 and having the ability to measure air pollution, but I never tried it and it is old as well.

And the last word, GO PINEPHOOOOONE!!!! I hope you get some wind in the sails - if you just work your way to the mountain top, then it will fly with great speed down the hill Smile Many are interested in releasing them self from the tyrants, a community based phone with people behind it and not greedy tyrants, pushing ads and putting there dog noses up in our butt holes to steal our data, would be awesome.

I don't know if I have time and such for sniffing issues, and buying one of those Pinephone Pro - but... I'm pretty hard in my grading stars, but if you can get the essential foundational things worked out, this stands to shine! Go freedom for the people and take care that Evil people don't take things over from the inside, sadly we do see this some places in the open source environment. Like we are so concerned about your privacy, says Firefox, first thing sending you to google search engine by default Tongue Look at the fruit produced not their empty words... FSF are correct, we always want the users to have the freedom and choices, not give it out to Tyrants who decide what they think is best for us!

- Darkijah
i have mi max 3 (nitrogen) with custom rom, it has 5500mAh battery. it can last for week or something for basic stuff unless i use it for something most of a time (like videos or web browsing).

pine org went pp pro design and major plan is already set out. i don't think we see bigger battery for pp pro at this time. i would have favored bigger battery and screen but too late for pp pro. maybe we see pinephone max after a year or two, which may have something like these.

there is usb docking dongle and it's useful. but pinephone display is used as primary, at least initially. if screen breaks then things become problematic anyway.

pine org is one player of many. i have also noticed more or less, bigger the company gets worse it becomes. in products multiple companies are needed. but in software development open source and transparency is a point, not necessarily competition.

(12-09-2021, 03:29 PM)Zebulon Walton Wrote: 1. That is something that is badly needed, however I don't know if there is a bigger battery in the form factor that the Pinephone uses. (I know you said Pinephone Pro but that uses the same battery.) An example of this is a friend gave me an old Galaxy Nexus running  CyanogenMod. (I use it just as a camera.) It has a removable 1850 mA battery as standard. However it also has an optional 3800 mA battery, thicker, that otherwise fits where the smaller battery goes. A modified back cover fits over the battery. Something like this would be great for the Pinephone if it were feasible. Battery life is probably the worst downside right now. It's not too bad for me because I leave the phone off most of the time but when I do use it the battery depletes pretty rapidly.

2. I bought a standalone charger that can work with just about any size removable phone battery.

3. There is a "Sound Recorder" application in Mobian. I have not tried it and do not know if it is just a standalone recorder for making notes etc. or if it can record calls.

4. If you set up sshd you can ssh into the phone to get to the command line. You can also run WayVNC to get to the phone's GUI via VNC client. It's possible to hook up a screen, mouse, and keyboard using the docking port that comes with the "convergence" edition Pinephone but I think there have been issues getting the screen output to work. (Possibly it would work with other USB docks as well.) Should be the same on the Pro model.
what i know about pp design, operator voice audio is routed differently, thus recording might be impossible. at least sound source need to be chosen differently. i haven't tested "sound recorder". i do some testing at some point. (recording of voice calls without permission in most jurisdictions is illegal).

wayvnc is one thing i haven't done in androids, technically is possible to use remote graphical connection in android if using correct software, i do not know is rooting required or not. wayvnc is useful some cases.

(12-09-2021, 08:16 PM)ryo Wrote: Often when people do "suggestions for whatever you're selling" kind of threads, it's some bullshit stuff like "make it more inclusive and less 'hateful'" (aka, turn something that's actually good with potential to become the next great thing into exactly the thing people are running away from in the first place), so I'm glad this is not the case here.

1 & 2. I'll merge your first 2 points since they're technically the same.
Battery life is something everyone pointed out from day 1, and it's still not an easy task.
Just look at your laptop, how long does it take until it's run out while doing hardware demanding stuff like playing video games, video editing, or.......checking out social media?
Yes, because nowadays browser-based bloat is more hardware demanding than video games and video editing combined even.

3. Google didn't really take it away, they still record all your calls without any doubt, they only removed the option for you to record it as well.
But how hard is it to put your phone in speaker mode, and place it near a hot microphone which you'd record using Sneedacity or something similar?

4. Walton answered this question more or less in the same way as I would do (minux the VNC part, I'm more of a command line user myself), so I'll just leave it at that.

i like to bash googoogle (and rotapple, facehatebook). googoogle has done lot of wrong things and also the other companies. however i do not think google record every voice call on android world, certain point solid evidence is needed. although, google has technical capability through "google play services" and other closed components but i don't think google is using those at the moment. like whatsapp does not send actual messages to facebook. facebook just collects all the metadata and abuses it. whatsapp is closed source. whatsapp does read messages in app level and uses them for ads. backups might be one way how private data goes to cloud or clouds.
(12-09-2021, 10:48 PM)zetabeta Wrote: however i do not think google record every voice call on android world, certain point solid evidence is needed.

Likewise, solid evidence is needed of them NOT doing it.
The most accessible piece of evidence is in your Google account settings, you can actually playback a tiny selection of what your phone is recording without your knowledge or consent.
Of course you can disable that feature (though it's still not certain whether it will actually turn off or just turn it off for you to make you feel more private), but it's turned on by default, and how many people who own a Google Android phone (so not a degoogled one) would even consider checking their Google account settings anyway?
They just log into their Google accounts without any questioning whatsoever.

(12-09-2021, 10:48 PM)zetabeta Wrote: although, google has technical capability through "google play services" and other closed components but i don't think google is using those at the moment.

It's a PRISM member and a company set up by the CIA, that should say enough on whether they use it or not.
Snowden revealed so much about the NSA which forced Obama to admit to it every single week, and WikiLeaks revealed far more about all sorts of government agencies of all sorts of countries, and yes, Google and Facebook too.

(12-09-2021, 10:48 PM)zetabeta Wrote: like whatsapp does not send actual messages to facebook. facebook just collects all the metadata and abuses it. whatsapp is closed source. whatsapp does read messages in app level and uses them for ads. backups might be one way how private data goes to cloud or clouds.

It's closed source like you said, so we can't verify the claims.
But knowing FBIbook, they certainly do.
Well yes, messages are end to end encrypted (according to claims, because again can't verify because closed source), but Facebook owns the same keys it generates for you.
If you don't control the keys, the encryption is meaningless.

This is why I advocate for XMPP so much, since you generate the keys on the client side.
And if you don't trust that, you can use GPG so you explicitely generate the keys yourself, and therefore have full control over it.

Plus Whatsapp is owned by Facebook, and so Oculus is.
At the beginning Zuck made it clear that they will leave Oculus alone, but ever since they own it, they started requiring you to link your Oculus account to Facebook, and as soon as you got banned from Facebook, you also automatically lose access to your Oculus account and therefore all the games you paid for.
Which by the way you should always have physical copies of games, or otherwise have digital copies stored on your local computer, so there's no central authority that can deprive you from your games, or make you pay microtransactions like a motherfucker only so they would take the money, shut the servers down permanently, and run (aka, live services).
I think I will feel, just right at home here! Tongue

""(recording of voice calls without permission in most jurisdictions is illegal)"" Well, I don't really care about those jurisdictions really, they tend to sniff our buttholes, while it should be the other way around - being able to record calls, can be very valuable, like if you talk to the government. And as far as I know it is Legal in my country to have a copy. Smile

This would be a winner feature for the Linux phones if this was made possible as MANY like to have the possibility to do so. So hopefully it is possible to make it possible to do in the Pinephone. Power to the People! Wink
(12-20-2021, 12:40 AM)JesusGod-Pope666.Info Wrote: ""(recording of voice calls without permission in most jurisdictions is illegal)"" Well, I don't really care about those jurisdictions really,

yup, agreed.
Natural law (law every living creature understands from birth) is the only real law, all else is fake and can therefore be pretty much ignored.

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