Tried about 20 times on a Windows 8.1 "Dell laptop - using that "Phoenix 3.10" same result every time. Some "!228" error.
I AM FORCED to use this software and Windows because the image I want to burn - i.e. Android 5.1.1 with LCD is ONLY available to write from Windows.
I would 10,000,000 x rather do this from Linux. I don't use Windows. Using "dd" is "une piece de gateau!"
Tried it on my daughter's Windows 8.1 desktop PC, doesn't even see the SD card!
The Dell laptop and my daughter's desktop are the only machines with MS Winsucks that have SD card readers. I've got several Linux boxen with SD card readers... Why not create the DD image like you said you were going to do a week ago Pine? Can't find the post now - can't remember if it was on the wiki, pine 64 page, or this forum.... but I'm waiting for a DD image for the LCD version of Android... I'd rather Linux or Remix than Android...
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Here's the forum post from last week - saying there'd be a DD image for the LCD "next week" (which is THIS WEEK - and I don't see it there!)