07-30-2021, 06:39 PM
Well I thought you were going to say it tumbled to the concrete floor like mine did today. Well, it survived, but it doesn't look pretty anymore.
Anyway what you'll need to do is write an image of some kind to a micro SD, disable your eMMC, and boot to the micro SD. Unfortunately this means operating with the bottom cover off so you can switch the eMMC back on in time to mount it so you can write to it. Only use a micro SD card in the PBPs inbuilt micro SD slot. You won't be able to boot from USB. Unless of course you're using the SPI flash ROM, in which case you've got a whole other problem.
Anyway what you'll need to do is write an image of some kind to a micro SD, disable your eMMC, and boot to the micro SD. Unfortunately this means operating with the bottom cover off so you can switch the eMMC back on in time to mount it so you can write to it. Only use a micro SD card in the PBPs inbuilt micro SD slot. You won't be able to boot from USB. Unless of course you're using the SPI flash ROM, in which case you've got a whole other problem.
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