(07-24-2021, 10:19 AM)globaltree Wrote: I'm running slarm64, so it was natural to download the blobs from the sndwvs repository: https://gitlab.com/sndwvs/images_build_k...s/firmware.
That repository is a copy from Armbian carefully selected (years of collecting) minimal set of firmware (they came from linux-firmware and from various hw vendors), blobs for wireless & BT chips that are found on single board computers or popular USB variants https://github.com/armbian/firmware and has nothing specifically to do with Pine64. Its just a very minimal pack of firmware (package armbian-firmware) so your SD card is not full of crap you will never need ... and if you need full fimrware, you download different package (armbian-firmware-full = linux firmware + armbian-firmware). In general, Slackware you use is made from Armbian.
Quote:Aside from installing the software that comes with the PBP, Pine64 has nothing to do with software.
They have their engineers for SW support just they are not available for public. You don't know who they are, so you can't bother them. End users - who would want everything for free - are too expensive to deal with in person, but this has to be presented in some "friendly" way ... Software support exists for business customers. Which is the case with other vendors as well - they all try to distance themselves from responsibility to deliver software (which is anyway impossible without community backing) ... and wasting time for supporting end users.
All the negative emotions associated with never sufficient vendor software support are this way pushed away while in sw support reality nothing changed. Except its better for business.