02-27-2021, 11:01 AM
>But .... shouldn't have "mmcblk1boot0" and "mmcblk1boot1" have shown up as options,
SD cards DON'T have a *blk?boot? section (it is not a partition)
This is due to the controller on emmc drives, boot0 and boot1 (and rpmb) are
sepearate sections (on the same nand), only 4 mB (and 12mB for rpmb)
This is convenient to know which is emmc and which is SD if they are same size
SD cards DON'T have a *blk?boot? section (it is not a partition)
This is due to the controller on emmc drives, boot0 and boot1 (and rpmb) are
sepearate sections (on the same nand), only 4 mB (and 12mB for rpmb)
This is convenient to know which is emmc and which is SD if they are same size