I wrote up a tutorial on installing the deepin desktop environment using Fedora 32 Workstation image. I walk through on how to install Fedora onto a SD card and how to then get it onto emmc. I included instructions on how to resize the drive after you get it up and running on either sd or emmc.
Fedora Workstation Tutorial
If you are only interested in the default setup of the gnome desktop you can ignore the section on installing Deepin. Fedora 32 runs really well. If you are interested in playing around with 33 for testing and stuff, I'd upgrade on an sd card and leave emmc install at 32
Fedora Workstation Tutorial
If you are only interested in the default setup of the gnome desktop you can ignore the section on installing Deepin. Fedora 32 runs really well. If you are interested in playing around with 33 for testing and stuff, I'd upgrade on an sd card and leave emmc install at 32