(04-29-2016, 09:11 AM)montero65 Wrote: Any idea on how the LoveRPI stands up against the official RPi available that ssvb mentioned?
Nope, but since RPi foundation invented the problem (AFAIK they were the first using this crappy Micro USB connector to power SBCs which has then been copied by other vendors like Pine64) I would suspect their PSU is OK.
Around the RPi a whole 'industry' developed selling PSUs that do not suck that much (just do a web search for 'psu 5.2V' and you will end up automagically at RPi) so all the issues Pine64 users face now are well known and were to be expected.
But unlike Raspberries where the VideoCore GPU checks available voltage and protects the board by displaying warnings and decreasing clockspeeds we currently have nothing like this with Pine64. Please see both links referenced by ssvb here: https://github.com/longsleep/build-pine6.../issues/16