(04-29-2020, 12:02 PM)newton688 Wrote: Hi All,
I'm having problems with GPS. It shows my location as 50km away from where I am currently located.
It looks like location is hooked in via the ModemManager. When I follow the manual page for mmcli to get the location at the command-line I'm getting some weird results.
Code:debian@pinephone:~$ sudo mmcli -m 0 --enable
successfully enabled the modem
debian@pinephone:~$ sudo mmcli -m 0 --location-status
Location | capabilities: 3gpp-lac-ci, gps-raw, gps-nmea, agps-msa, agps-msb
| enabled: 3gpp-lac-ci
| signals: no
GPS | refresh rate: 30 seconds
debian@pinephone:~$ sudo mmcli -m 0 --location-enable-gps-raw
successfully setup location gathering
debian@pinephone:~$ sudo mmcli -m 0 --location-enable-gps-nmea
successfully setup location gathering
debian@pinephone:~$ sudo mmcli -m 0 --location-get
3GPP | operator code: 302
| operator name: 610
| location area code: FFFE
| tracking area code: 2D8A
| cell id: 01D11F47
GPS | nmea: ??A?Ui??,,1aB???,X0aBE??5f4P
| ??A:t(??,X0aB???,X0aB???*lXi
| ??A2Ej_?,(1aR???NX0YDE??2?5P
| ??A:4*??AXDaB???,X0aB???,X0aBEJ?2?(
Where's the code for the custom ModemManager? I could have a look and see if I can figure out what goes wrong in my case.
I have seen this several times when I first bring up Maps, I think it is showing location based on IP address of my WiFi at first, then a few minutes later when GPS has locked in a few satellites it shows my location pretty accurately.
GPS is not a super strong signal anyway, I have seen it lose lock, or fail to acquire, in well shielded locations like metal buildings or even in heavy forest with little view of the sky.
Note in your code above, line 7: signals : no