01-16-2020, 09:30 PM
(01-16-2020, 04:18 PM)chip ling Wrote:(01-16-2020, 06:37 AM)bcnaz Wrote:(01-16-2020, 05:42 AM)ioo Wrote: You might find it easier to simply rename the rock user.
Actually, should I do both ?
one to correct the sound, the second for the user account ?
My wild guess is that the newly created user is missing some groups privileges as the user rock.
Here is what I found from my pbp:
Code:rock@Debian-Desktop:~$ id rock
uid=1000(rock) gid=1000(rock) groups=1000(rock),4(adm),27(sudo),29(audio),44(video),46(plugdev),106(input),111(ssh)
rock@Debian-Desktop:~$ cat /etc/group | grep rock
So in order to have the same user profile as the user rock, one has to add those groups as secondary group to the newly created user.
For example, if I created a new user as newuser, I have to do the following:
Code:$ sudo usermod -a -G adm, sudo, audio, video, plugdev, input, ssh newuser
or add them one by one
Code:$ sudo groupmod -a -G adm newuser
$ sudo groupmod -a -G sudo newuser
$ sudo groupmod -a -G audio newuser
$ sudo groupmod -a -G video newuser
$ sudo groupmod -a -G plugdev newuser
$ sudo groupmod -a -G input newuser
$ sudo groupmod -a -G ssh newuser
or some people would like to use the adduser command instead
Code:$ sudo adduser newuser adm
$ sudo adduser newuser sudo
$ sudo adduser newuser audio
$ sudo adduser newuser video
$ sudo adduser newuser plugdev
$ sudo adduser newuser input
$ sudo adduser newuser ssh
So my question is, why can't the system just have sound for all users. I'm going to read the SystemWide link now, but this whole thing seems kind of ridiculous to me.