11-04-2019, 06:29 PM
(11-04-2019, 05:06 PM)i4g0 Wrote: Hello! I tried to follow this tutorial, but after step 4, I rebooted and now the PBP is stuck in a reboot loop, and never boots. This applied for with and without the microSD card in the PBP. I ran pretty much the exact dd command, with the img from MrFixit2001's github (Debian Desktop Community Build Image [microSD to eMMC] by mrfixit2001 from https://wiki.pine64.org/index.php/Pinebo...an_Desktop)
Has anyone else experienced this? Note: The OpenSesame screen never shows, just power on -> green light -> no green light -> power off, then repeats until I turn off the power. From my few hours experiencing the PBP I love it, and I'd like it back
Can you try to write the image again with the next command?
sudo dd if=nameOfTheImageFile.img of=/dev/mmcblk1 status=progress