04-21-2018, 12:23 AM
(04-20-2018, 06:14 PM)Jacob5146 Wrote: Yes I'm using a SOPINE compute module on the SOPINE baseboard, sorry for not clarifying.
I have tried Android 6, Android 5, and Xenial Mate. I wish to use Xenial Mate, but have tried Android. Android 5 seems to be the only one that results in the Processor branding in the center of the screen with "Powered by Android" text below it, and nothing else happens. The other OS's result in a black screen, nothing else.
Hehe... I should have mentioned the first one was a sanity check also
Great, so that sounds like we *should* be able to rule out power and the microSD cards being corrupt... for now at least.
Since you're getting something from an Android image... it's also sounding like the card is compatible enough that the pinebook is at least booting. But I'm still wondering if the sopine/sopine baseboard still doesn't like the microSD you're using. I have had no end of issues with the Sandisk (red and grey) cards with pine64s... sometimes they work fine, sometimes they just refuse to play ball. If you're willing, get hold of a Samsung EVO microSD... they're the best performing card I'm come across for their price, aren't ridiculously expensive, and also seem to be the most compatible cards around.
Other than that, hopefully someone else has some ideas to try? If you want to debug it further, being able to connect to the onboard serial port should give some idea as to what is going wrong. Either this (with a suitable USB cable), some sort of USB to TLL Serial Console cable (a good idea to have one of these handy anyway) or any cheap USB to serial converter plus some connector wires will do the trick. Then you'll be able to see what the initial messages from uboot and the kernel are.