10-05-2016, 09:30 AM
Hi All,
I have been planning a car pc but a really complete one for a long time. I bought radxda board before however the support for it is very limited. The best could be a som with a good support and a competitive price but today we dont have this option. I think for now the best available option is Pine64 with 2gb ram.
I propose to make a github and build a common board with our collaborative work. I can do something in hardware side but it is way too much for one person, and I am not really expert on it.
I would like to touch on the issues discussed before:
1) Power
The best option should be pow management via an simple arduino controller even an attiny 85 would work. When there is a bus activity (remote key unlock) the pine64 will start to boot up and when the ignition removed pine64 will start to shutdown. I can help with the schematics.
2) Sound
We dont need to amplify the output the amplifier can be external and can stay in the car forever. The sound output should be differential 5ch output with derived from 2ch by an audio mixer IC. If we have digital output, it can be helpful for some car owners which have onboard dsp.
3) Linbus/canbus
Can be achieved by very cheap ICs can be found.
4) Screen
LVDS or RGB screens should work with pine64 and they are relatively cheap. The maximum lenght for lvds cable is 20cm but we can use logic level converters to amplify it to 5V or 12V and we can use longer cables.
5) Camera
Analog input can be used it with usb adapters but also we can use raw camera input with using logic converters as we can do in screen part.
6) USB
If we need powered USB it should be piped to extension board we make and externally powered.
7) Buttons
They can be easily implemented through GPIO.
I have been planning a car pc but a really complete one for a long time. I bought radxda board before however the support for it is very limited. The best could be a som with a good support and a competitive price but today we dont have this option. I think for now the best available option is Pine64 with 2gb ram.
I propose to make a github and build a common board with our collaborative work. I can do something in hardware side but it is way too much for one person, and I am not really expert on it.
I would like to touch on the issues discussed before:
1) Power
The best option should be pow management via an simple arduino controller even an attiny 85 would work. When there is a bus activity (remote key unlock) the pine64 will start to boot up and when the ignition removed pine64 will start to shutdown. I can help with the schematics.
2) Sound
We dont need to amplify the output the amplifier can be external and can stay in the car forever. The sound output should be differential 5ch output with derived from 2ch by an audio mixer IC. If we have digital output, it can be helpful for some car owners which have onboard dsp.
3) Linbus/canbus
Can be achieved by very cheap ICs can be found.
4) Screen
LVDS or RGB screens should work with pine64 and they are relatively cheap. The maximum lenght for lvds cable is 20cm but we can use logic level converters to amplify it to 5V or 12V and we can use longer cables.
5) Camera
Analog input can be used it with usb adapters but also we can use raw camera input with using logic converters as we can do in screen part.
6) USB
If we need powered USB it should be piped to extension board we make and externally powered.
7) Buttons
They can be easily implemented through GPIO.