(12-07-2022, 12:49 AM)balbes150 Wrote: @bosi564 I wrote to you about checking the launch of a "clean" Armbian without EDK2. That is, you need to download and burn an image from the directory to the SD card WITHOUT specifying "EDK-EFI" in the directory name. Check the launch of the EDGE and CURRENT versions. And show the UART log when launching the EDGE and CURRENT versions.
For the files:
1. 20221101-current/Armbian_22.11.0-trunk_Quartz64a_jammy_current_5.19.17.img.xz
2. 20221112-edge/Armbian_22.11.0-trunk_Quartz64a_jammy_edge_6.1.0.img.xz
I've downloaded both files. Had to change baud rate to 115200 and 9800 for 1. and 2., otherwise the output on the serial console was all unreadable. Both times the boot didn't reach login shell.
I've attached the logs.
EDIT: seems like the the first log file kernel-5-current-115200baud.log contains logs for kernel version 6.1.0-rc4-media. I'll redo the test and post the log again.
EDIT 2 : I've removed the wrong log file and uploaded the log file 'kernel-5-current-115200.log' for the correct image.