04-27-2022, 10:04 AM
Quote:(...) towboot could help you if installed to the SPI. the PBP will find it before the uboot on the emmc and use towboot to start up the OS.
I was hoping it would work like that. Thank you for confirming!
Quote:Surprisingly i had to use a class 4 sd card to get it to boot and install for me.
Thanks for the tip! Shops are closed here today so I've ordered one as it seems an easier path for me than
Quote:(...) to replace/write the uboot from the debian 11 repos to the emmc (could be a newer kernel not playing well with an older uboot.)
While I'm waiting for the SD card to arrive I'm trying to figure out how to replace/write uboot from the repos. Doing a search for u-boot in Synaptic on Bullseye from the SD card u-boot-menu is the only hit. Installed is version 4.0.3 which is also the latest version. Using chroot on the eMMC gave me this:
Quote:root@PBPD11:/# sudo apt list u-boot-menu
Listing... Done
u-boot-menu/stable,now 4.0.3 all [installed]
I guess that means that replacing uboot probably won't change much? Fingers crossed for the new SD card!
Having access to the eMMC, is there any specific log I could look at (and does it matter if it is through chroot or just using the file manager from the SD card)?