02-15-2022, 06:32 PM
I found a case where they disabled the hardware render to get waydroid to start on the Pro.
# Download image, can be slow
sudo waydroid init
# Older android images cant use hardware acceleration on new hardware, so turn off.
( sudo echo "ro.hardware.gralloc=default" ; sudo echo "ro.hardware.egl=swiftshader" ) >>/var/lib/waydroid/waydroid_base.prop
sudo systemctl enable waydroid-container.service
sudo systemctl restart waydroid-container.service
Then for start script:
waydroid session start &
waydroid show-full-ui &
There is no guarantee that it will work, but you can try.
# Download image, can be slow
sudo waydroid init
# Older android images cant use hardware acceleration on new hardware, so turn off.
( sudo echo "ro.hardware.gralloc=default" ; sudo echo "ro.hardware.egl=swiftshader" ) >>/var/lib/waydroid/waydroid_base.prop
sudo systemctl enable waydroid-container.service
sudo systemctl restart waydroid-container.service
Then for start script:
waydroid session start &
waydroid show-full-ui &
There is no guarantee that it will work, but you can try.