manjaro-pinephone / plasma-mobile-dev: Update broken
my Manjaro-ARM-plasma-mobile-pinephone-dev-20210616.img.xz
fetches for updates, recognizes 0Byte update size, asks for a restart, then mentions system up to date.
After restart, splash screen allows to open discover or repair system, where repair system does not change anything.
Also says Failed to update 1 package, failed to update database: unexpected system error
Now on open discover the system will be fetching updates again (very slow), then will message up to date.

So, do we have an error here, or dont' we have one?

As, on restart, I will get the message open discover or repair system again. And Discover will attest the system is up to date again.
and the stable branch is not much better really. Also trying to update zero Byte size, etc.
(06-17-2021, 08:43 AM)Uturn Wrote: and the stable branch is not much better really. Also trying to update zero Byte size, etc.
Seems to be a bug of Discover. The same also in Plasma Desktop at computer.
I'm usually using Terminal insted:
sudo pacman -Syu
having the same issue
Same here; I just flashed the latest unstable nightly onto my Pinephone. It saw updates in the Discover app, I installed them, restarted. Now, my Pinephone boots to a black screen with the KDE logo, and the mouse cursor follows my touch inputs. Not terribly usable in this state, so here's hoping it's a quick fix!
Try updating from the Terminal.
If still nothing, try updating the mirrors:
sudo pacman-mirrors -c (YOUR COUNTRY HERE)

Should look like this:
[Image: VibBQ0l.png]

(06-17-2021, 08:36 PM)gamerminstrel Wrote: Same here; I just flashed the latest unstable nightly onto my Pinephone. It saw updates in the Discover app, I installed them, restarted. Now, my Pinephone boots to a black screen with the KDE logo, and the mouse cursor follows my touch inputs. Not terribly usable in this state, so here's hoping it's a quick fix!
Please see this →
Seems like Plasma Mobile broke, again.
First time I booted I got a message something like "failed to resolve Who-Am-I", can't remember what it exactly said, but it had a cursor.
Second time I got the message saying:

Quote:oken and unlocking is
vitch to a virtual termi
and execute the comn

ginctl unlock-session c

back to the running se
(06-22-2021, 07:37 AM)ryo Wrote: Seems like Plasma Mobile broke, again.
First time I booted I got a message something like "failed to resolve Who-Am-I", can't remember what it exactly said, but it had a cursor.
Second time I got the message saying:

Quote:oken and unlocking is
vitch to a virtual termi
and execute the comn

ginctl unlock-session c

back to the running se

I'm trying to fix this as well. The command it's saying to run is "loginctl unlock-session c2". It might be possible to do as suggested and issue the command but I think the underlying problem might have something to do with kdescreenlocker_greet or ksplashqml. ksplashqml as well as a few other things appear to be segfaulting. As for eventually seeing the mouse I'm pretty sure that's just it giving up, logging out the user/terminating processes associated with the greeter. 

Jun 22 09:19:15 plasma-mobile systemd-coredump[4294]: Process 4155 (ksplashqml) of user 1002 dumped core.
                                                      Stack trace of thread 4155:
                                                      #0  0x0000ffff8cd736c8 raise ( + 0x376c8)
                                                      #1  0x0000ffff8cd601cc abort ( + 0x241cc)
                                                      #2  0x0000ffff8d156fc4 _ZNK14QMessageLogger5fatalEPKcz ( + 0xa2fc4)
                                                      #3  0x0000ffff8d3d29fc _ZN14QObjectPrivateC2Ei ( + 0x31e9fc)
                                                      #4  0x0000ffff880831b0 _ZN12QSvgRendererC1EP7QObject ( + 0x441b0)
                                                      #5  0x0000ffff78890324 n/a ( + 0x3324)
                                                      #6  0x0000ffff7888f93c n/a ( + 0x293c)
                                                      #7  0x0000ffff8d81f1cc n/a ( + 0x1af1cc)
                                                      #8  0x0000ffff8d8219b0 n/a ( + 0x1b19b0)
                                                      #9  0x0000ffff8d822878 _ZNK12QImageReader13autoTransformEv ( + 0x1b2878)
                                                      #10 0x0000ffff8e024160 n/a ( + 0x161160)
                                                      #11 0x0000ffff8e028934 _ZN12QQuickPixmap4loadEP10QQmlEngineRK4QUrlRK5QRectRK5QSize6QFlagsINS_6OptionEERK26QQuickImageProviderOptionsii ( + 0x165934)
                                                      #12 0x0000ffff8e1a9210 _ZN15QQuickImageBase10loadPixmapERK4QUrl6QFlagsINS_16LoadPixmapOptionEE ( + 0x2e6210)
                                                      #13 0x0000ffff8cb731cc _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator8finalizeER26QQmlInstantiationInterrupt ( + 0x3151cc)
                                                      #14 0x0000ffff8cafe8a8 _ZN20QQmlIncubatorPrivate8incubateER26QQmlInstantiationInterrupt ( + 0x2a08a8)
                                                      #15 0x0000ffff8cafed58 _ZN17QQmlEnginePrivate8incubateER13QQmlIncubatorP15QQmlContextData ( + 0x2a0d58)
                                                      #16 0x0000ffff8caf9078 _ZN13QQmlComponent6createER13QQmlIncubatorP11QQmlContextS3_ ( + 0x29b078)
                                                      #17 0x0000ffff8cd23e28 _ZN12KDeclarative9QmlObject22completeInitializationERK5QHashI7QString8QVariantE ( + 0x8e28)
                                                      #18 0x0000ffff8cd2409c n/a ( + 0x909c)
                                                      #19 0x0000ffff8e530650 _ZN12KQuickAddons21QuickViewSharedEngine9setSourceERK4QUrl ( + 0xc650)
                                                      #20 0x0000aaaadf6b6704 n/a (ksplashqml + 0x6704)
                                                      #21 0x0000aaaadf6b52bc n/a (ksplashqml + 0x52bc)
                                                      #22 0x0000aaaadf6b58bc n/a (ksplashqml + 0x58bc)
                                                      #23 0x0000aaaadf6b4614 n/a (ksplashqml + 0x4614)
                                                      #24 0x0000ffff8cd60538 __libc_start_main ( + 0x24538)
                                                      #25 0x0000aaaadf6b46d4 n/a (ksplashqml + 0x46d4)
                                                      #26 0x0000aaaadf6b46d4 n/a (ksplashqml + 0x46d4)
Jun 22 09:19:15 plasma-mobile NetworkManager[3651]: <info>  [1624454355.6980] modem-ofono[quectelqmi_0]: found new ConnectionManager interface
Jun 22 09:19:15 plasma-mobile systemd[1]: systemd-coredump@0-4287-0.service: Deactivated successfully.
Jun 22 09:19:15 plasma-mobile systemd[1]: systemd-coredump@0-4287-0.service: Consumed 3.091s CPU time.
Jun 22 09:19:15 plasma-mobile systemd-coredump[4306]: Process 4151 (maliit-keyboard) of user 1002 dumped core.
                                                      Stack trace of thread 4151:
                                                      #0  0x0000ffff965926c8 raise ( + 0x376c8)
                                                      #1  0x0000ffff9657f1cc abort ( + 0x241cc)
                                                      #2  0x0000ffff9699afc4 _ZNK14QMessageLogger5fatalEPKcz ( + 0xa2fc4)
                                                      #3  0x0000ffff96c169fc _ZN14QObjectPrivateC2Ei ( + 0x31e9fc)
                                                      #4  0x0000ffff8fa36c44 n/a ( + 0xdcc44)
                                                      #5  0x0000ffff8fa21ddc _ZN17QQuickMenuPrivateC1Ev ( + 0xc7ddc)
                                                      #6  0x0000ffff8fa225b4 _ZN10QQuickMenuC2EP7QObject ( + 0xc85b4)
                                                      #7  0x0000ffff57faa700 n/a ( + 0x3a700)
                                                      #8  0x0000ffff97db361c _ZNK8QQmlType6createEPP7QObjectPPvm ( + 0x2c161c)
                                                      #9  0x0000ffff97e0b77c _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator14createInstanceEiP7QObjectb ( + 0x31977c)
                                                      #10 0x0000ffff97e0c0b0 _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator6createEiP7QObjectP26QQmlInstantiationInterrupti ( + 0x31a0b0)
                                                      #11 0x0000ffff97e0b6ac _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator14createInstanceEiP7QObjectb ( + 0x3196ac)
                                                      #12 0x0000ffff97e0c0b0 _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator6createEiP7QObjectP26QQmlInstantiationInterrupti ( + 0x31a0b0)
                                                      #13 0x0000ffff97e0b6ac _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator14createInstanceEiP7QObjectb ( + 0x3196ac)
                                                      #14 0x0000ffff97e0e23c _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator18setPropertyBindingEPK16QQmlPropertyDataPKN3QV412CompiledData7BindingE ( + 0x31c23c)
                                                      #15 0x0000ffff97e0e69c _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator13setupBindingsEb ( + 0x31c69c)
                                                      #16 0x0000ffff97e0a4b4 _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator16populateInstanceEiP7QObjectS1_PK16QQmlPropertyData ( + 0x3184b4)
                                                      #17 0x0000ffff97e0b3f0 _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator14createInstanceEiP7QObjectb ( + 0x3193f0)
                                                      #18 0x0000ffff97e0e23c _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator18setPropertyBindingEPK16QQmlPropertyDataPKN3QV412CompiledData7BindingE ( + 0x31c23c)
                                                      #19 0x0000ffff97e0e69c _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator13setupBindingsEb ( + 0x31c69c)
                                                      #20 0x0000ffff97e0a4b4 _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator16populateInstanceEiP7QObjectS1_PK16QQmlPropertyData ( + 0x3184b4)
                                                      #21 0x0000ffff97e0b3f0 _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator14createInstanceEiP7QObjectb ( + 0x3193f0)
                                                      #22 0x0000ffff97e0e23c _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator18setPropertyBindingEPK16QQmlPropertyDataPKN3QV412CompiledData7BindingE ( + 0x31c23c)
                                                      #23 0x0000ffff97e0e69c _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator13setupBindingsEb ( + 0x31c69c)
                                                      #24 0x0000ffff97e0a4b4 _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator16populateInstanceEiP7QObjectS1_PK16QQmlPropertyData ( + 0x3184b4)
                                                      #25 0x0000ffff97e0b3f0 _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator14createInstanceEiP7QObjectb ( + 0x3193f0)
                                                      #26 0x0000ffff97e0e23c _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator18setPropertyBindingEPK16QQmlPropertyDataPKN3QV412CompiledData7BindingE ( + 0x31c23c)
                                                      #27 0x0000ffff97e0e69c _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator13setupBindingsEb ( + 0x31c69c)
                                                      #28 0x0000ffff97e0a4b4 _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator16populateInstanceEiP7QObjectS1_PK16QQmlPropertyData ( + 0x3184b4)
                                                      #29 0x0000ffff97e0b3f0 _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator14createInstanceEiP7QObjectb ( + 0x3193f0)
                                                      #30 0x0000ffff97e0e23c _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator18setPropertyBindingEPK16QQmlPropertyDataPKN3QV412CompiledData7BindingE ( + 0x31c23c)
                                                      #31 0x0000ffff97e0e69c _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator13setupBindingsEb ( + 0x31c69c)
                                                      #32 0x0000ffff97e0a4b4 _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator16populateInstanceEiP7QObjectS1_PK16QQmlPropertyData ( + 0x3184b4)
                                                      #33 0x0000ffff97e0b3f0 _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator14createInstanceEiP7QObjectb ( + 0x3193f0)
                                                      #34 0x0000ffff97e0c0b0 _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator6createEiP7QObjectP26QQmlInstantiationInterrupti ( + 0x31a0b0)
                                                      #35 0x0000ffff97d8cb40 _ZN20QQmlComponentPrivate11beginCreateEP15QQmlContextData ( + 0x29ab40)
                                                      #36 0x0000ffff97d8e550 _ZN13QQmlComponent6createEP11QQmlContext ( + 0x29c550)
                                                      #37 0x0000ffff982b6bac _ZN10QQuickView15continueExecuteEv ( + 0x307bac)
                                                      #38 0x0000aaaaab6e1154 _ZN11InputMethodC1EP24MAbstractInputMethodHost (maliit-keyboard + 0x31154)
                                                      #39 0x0000aaaaab6d50d4 _ZThn16_N20MaliitKeyboardPlugin17createInputMethodEP24MAbstractInputMethodHost (maliit-keyboard + 0x250d4)
                                                      #40 0x0000ffff985b8d84 _ZN6Maliit21StandaloneInputMethodC2EPNS_7Plugins17InputMethodPluginE ( + 0x4dd84)
                                                      #41 0x0000aaaaab6d48f8 main (maliit-keyboard + 0x248f8)
                                                      #42 0x0000ffff9657f538 __libc_start_main ( + 0x24538)
                                                      #43 0x0000aaaaab6d4b84 _start (maliit-keyboard + 0x24b84)
                                                      #44 0x0000aaaaab6d4b84 _start (maliit-keyboard + 0x24b84)
(06-22-2021, 07:51 AM)RZ1 Wrote:
Jun 22 09:19:15 plasma-mobile systemd-coredump[4294]: Process 4155 (ksplashqml) of user 1002 dumped core.
                                                      Stack trace of thread 4155:
                                                      #0  0x0000ffff8cd736c8 raise ( + 0x376c8)
                                                      #1  0x0000ffff8cd601cc abort ( + 0x241cc)
                                                      #2  0x0000ffff8d156fc4 _ZNK14QMessageLogger5fatalEPKcz ( + 0xa2fc4)
                                                      #3  0x0000ffff8d3d29fc _ZN14QObjectPrivateC2Ei ( + 0x31e9fc)
                                                      #4  0x0000ffff880831b0 _ZN12QSvgRendererC1EP7QObject ( + 0x441b0)
                                                      #5  0x0000ffff78890324 n/a ( + 0x3324)
                                                      #6  0x0000ffff7888f93c n/a ( + 0x293c)
                                                      #7  0x0000ffff8d81f1cc n/a ( + 0x1af1cc)
                                                      #8  0x0000ffff8d8219b0 n/a ( + 0x1b19b0)
                                                      #9  0x0000ffff8d822878 _ZNK12QImageReader13autoTransformEv ( + 0x1b2878)
                                                      #10 0x0000ffff8e024160 n/a ( + 0x161160)
                                                      #11 0x0000ffff8e028934 _ZN12QQuickPixmap4loadEP10QQmlEngineRK4QUrlRK5QRectRK5QSize6QFlagsINS_6OptionEERK26QQuickImageProviderOptionsii ( + 0x165934)
                                                      #12 0x0000ffff8e1a9210 _ZN15QQuickImageBase10loadPixmapERK4QUrl6QFlagsINS_16LoadPixmapOptionEE ( + 0x2e6210)
                                                      #13 0x0000ffff8cb731cc _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator8finalizeER26QQmlInstantiationInterrupt ( + 0x3151cc)
                                                      #14 0x0000ffff8cafe8a8 _ZN20QQmlIncubatorPrivate8incubateER26QQmlInstantiationInterrupt ( + 0x2a08a8)
                                                      #15 0x0000ffff8cafed58 _ZN17QQmlEnginePrivate8incubateER13QQmlIncubatorP15QQmlContextData ( + 0x2a0d58)
                                                      #16 0x0000ffff8caf9078 _ZN13QQmlComponent6createER13QQmlIncubatorP11QQmlContextS3_ ( + 0x29b078)
                                                      #17 0x0000ffff8cd23e28 _ZN12KDeclarative9QmlObject22completeInitializationERK5QHashI7QString8QVariantE ( + 0x8e28)
                                                      #18 0x0000ffff8cd2409c n/a ( + 0x909c)
                                                      #19 0x0000ffff8e530650 _ZN12KQuickAddons21QuickViewSharedEngine9setSourceERK4QUrl ( + 0xc650)
                                                      #20 0x0000aaaadf6b6704 n/a (ksplashqml + 0x6704)
                                                      #21 0x0000aaaadf6b52bc n/a (ksplashqml + 0x52bc)
                                                      #22 0x0000aaaadf6b58bc n/a (ksplashqml + 0x58bc)
                                                      #23 0x0000aaaadf6b4614 n/a (ksplashqml + 0x4614)
                                                      #24 0x0000ffff8cd60538 __libc_start_main ( + 0x24538)
                                                      #25 0x0000aaaadf6b46d4 n/a (ksplashqml + 0x46d4)
                                                      #26 0x0000aaaadf6b46d4 n/a (ksplashqml + 0x46d4)
Jun 22 09:19:15 plasma-mobile NetworkManager[3651]: <info>  [1624454355.6980] modem-ofono[quectelqmi_0]: found new ConnectionManager interface
Jun 22 09:19:15 plasma-mobile systemd[1]: systemd-coredump@0-4287-0.service: Deactivated successfully.
Jun 22 09:19:15 plasma-mobile systemd[1]: systemd-coredump@0-4287-0.service: Consumed 3.091s CPU time.
Jun 22 09:19:15 plasma-mobile systemd-coredump[4306]: Process 4151 (maliit-keyboard) of user 1002 dumped core.
                                                      Stack trace of thread 4151:
                                                      #0  0x0000ffff965926c8 raise ( + 0x376c8)
                                                      #1  0x0000ffff9657f1cc abort ( + 0x241cc)
                                                      #2  0x0000ffff9699afc4 _ZNK14QMessageLogger5fatalEPKcz ( + 0xa2fc4)
                                                      #3  0x0000ffff96c169fc _ZN14QObjectPrivateC2Ei ( + 0x31e9fc)
                                                      #4  0x0000ffff8fa36c44 n/a ( + 0xdcc44)
                                                      #5  0x0000ffff8fa21ddc _ZN17QQuickMenuPrivateC1Ev ( + 0xc7ddc)
                                                      #6  0x0000ffff8fa225b4 _ZN10QQuickMenuC2EP7QObject ( + 0xc85b4)
                                                      #7  0x0000ffff57faa700 n/a ( + 0x3a700)
                                                      #8  0x0000ffff97db361c _ZNK8QQmlType6createEPP7QObjectPPvm ( + 0x2c161c)
                                                      #9  0x0000ffff97e0b77c _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator14createInstanceEiP7QObjectb ( + 0x31977c)
                                                      #10 0x0000ffff97e0c0b0 _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator6createEiP7QObjectP26QQmlInstantiationInterrupti ( + 0x31a0b0)
                                                      #11 0x0000ffff97e0b6ac _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator14createInstanceEiP7QObjectb ( + 0x3196ac)
                                                      #12 0x0000ffff97e0c0b0 _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator6createEiP7QObjectP26QQmlInstantiationInterrupti ( + 0x31a0b0)
                                                      #13 0x0000ffff97e0b6ac _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator14createInstanceEiP7QObjectb ( + 0x3196ac)
                                                      #14 0x0000ffff97e0e23c _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator18setPropertyBindingEPK16QQmlPropertyDataPKN3QV412CompiledData7BindingE ( + 0x31c23c)
                                                      #15 0x0000ffff97e0e69c _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator13setupBindingsEb ( + 0x31c69c)
                                                      #16 0x0000ffff97e0a4b4 _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator16populateInstanceEiP7QObjectS1_PK16QQmlPropertyData ( + 0x3184b4)
                                                      #17 0x0000ffff97e0b3f0 _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator14createInstanceEiP7QObjectb ( + 0x3193f0)
                                                      #18 0x0000ffff97e0e23c _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator18setPropertyBindingEPK16QQmlPropertyDataPKN3QV412CompiledData7BindingE ( + 0x31c23c)
                                                      #19 0x0000ffff97e0e69c _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator13setupBindingsEb ( + 0x31c69c)
                                                      #20 0x0000ffff97e0a4b4 _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator16populateInstanceEiP7QObjectS1_PK16QQmlPropertyData ( + 0x3184b4)
                                                      #21 0x0000ffff97e0b3f0 _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator14createInstanceEiP7QObjectb ( + 0x3193f0)
                                                      #22 0x0000ffff97e0e23c _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator18setPropertyBindingEPK16QQmlPropertyDataPKN3QV412CompiledData7BindingE ( + 0x31c23c)
                                                      #23 0x0000ffff97e0e69c _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator13setupBindingsEb ( + 0x31c69c)
                                                      #24 0x0000ffff97e0a4b4 _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator16populateInstanceEiP7QObjectS1_PK16QQmlPropertyData ( + 0x3184b4)
                                                      #25 0x0000ffff97e0b3f0 _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator14createInstanceEiP7QObjectb ( + 0x3193f0)
                                                      #26 0x0000ffff97e0e23c _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator18setPropertyBindingEPK16QQmlPropertyDataPKN3QV412CompiledData7BindingE ( + 0x31c23c)
                                                      #27 0x0000ffff97e0e69c _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator13setupBindingsEb ( + 0x31c69c)
                                                      #28 0x0000ffff97e0a4b4 _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator16populateInstanceEiP7QObjectS1_PK16QQmlPropertyData ( + 0x3184b4)
                                                      #29 0x0000ffff97e0b3f0 _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator14createInstanceEiP7QObjectb ( + 0x3193f0)
                                                      #30 0x0000ffff97e0e23c _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator18setPropertyBindingEPK16QQmlPropertyDataPKN3QV412CompiledData7BindingE ( + 0x31c23c)
                                                      #31 0x0000ffff97e0e69c _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator13setupBindingsEb ( + 0x31c69c)
                                                      #32 0x0000ffff97e0a4b4 _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator16populateInstanceEiP7QObjectS1_PK16QQmlPropertyData ( + 0x3184b4)
                                                      #33 0x0000ffff97e0b3f0 _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator14createInstanceEiP7QObjectb ( + 0x3193f0)
                                                      #34 0x0000ffff97e0c0b0 _ZN17QQmlObjectCreator6createEiP7QObjectP26QQmlInstantiationInterrupti ( + 0x31a0b0)
                                                      #35 0x0000ffff97d8cb40 _ZN20QQmlComponentPrivate11beginCreateEP15QQmlContextData ( + 0x29ab40)
                                                      #36 0x0000ffff97d8e550 _ZN13QQmlComponent6createEP11QQmlContext ( + 0x29c550)
                                                      #37 0x0000ffff982b6bac _ZN10QQuickView15continueExecuteEv ( + 0x307bac)
                                                      #38 0x0000aaaaab6e1154 _ZN11InputMethodC1EP24MAbstractInputMethodHost (maliit-keyboard + 0x31154)
                                                      #39 0x0000aaaaab6d50d4 _ZThn16_N20MaliitKeyboardPlugin17createInputMethodEP24MAbstractInputMethodHost (maliit-keyboard + 0x250d4)
                                                      #40 0x0000ffff985b8d84 _ZN6Maliit21StandaloneInputMethodC2EPNS_7Plugins17InputMethodPluginE ( + 0x4dd84)
                                                      #41 0x0000aaaaab6d48f8 main (maliit-keyboard + 0x248f8)
                                                      #42 0x0000ffff9657f538 __libc_start_main ( + 0x24538)
                                                      #43 0x0000aaaaab6d4b84 _start (maliit-keyboard + 0x24b84)
                                                      #44 0x0000aaaaab6d4b84 _start (maliit-keyboard + 0x24b84)

The dump seems to hint at a problem in the "maliit" keyboard (the virtual keyboard in PlaMo and Lomiri).
Executing "maliit-server" gives me "Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (5.15.2) with this library (5.15.3)".
Perhaps a Qt version conflict?
I am running opensuse from the SD and I update the Manjaro like the previous time either with the dock or with `chroot` until the problem is solved again.

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