rockpro64: Enable sdio0, disable pcie, on ayufan 4.4.132 ?
I'm using 4.4.132, because when I tried 4.4.154, dw-hdmi-i2s sound doesn't work correctly; it sounds like things play at 0.001x speed.

Anyway, I am aware that sdio0 is disabled because of pcie issues when both are enabled.
I want to be able to use the rockpro64 wifi module, and I have no need for the pcie slot.

If one disables pcie, could sdio0 be safely re-enabled?
I am great at compiling kernels, but not great at editing device tree files.

What are the edits to make to rk3399-rockpro64.dts to accomplish that (if it's safe) ?
I'm currently working on this for my emulation + media kernel. The DTS changes aren't too difficult, just change "disabled" to "okay" under the relevant nodes. But you'll need some patches to make it stable as well as to get the wifi module to work. I'm still working on stability but when I'm done I'll submit a PR to ayufan's kernel to enable it. He's on an older 4.4 release than I'm working with so there may be some other tweaks needed but at least it will give you something to go from.
Okay, can't wait to see this.

That must be why my kernel paniced bcmdhd when I simply enabled sdio0.

Who is providing those patches you said were needed?

I have two major hurdles left and then I'm pretty happy with my rockpro64:
1) sdio0
2) getting dw_hdmi_i2s_audio to continue to work once I'm beyond 4.4.138-1100.  (Kernels past that have dmesg "fail to clear" i2s messages, and sounds play at 0.0000001 speed, sounds like satan coming from the pit in slow motion.)

I really want to be using a newer kernel from 4.4.x than 4.4.138, but ayufan's 4.4.154 is a bit messy, and Terra854's 4.4.162 has the same i2s clearing problem as ayufan's 4.4.154 so it must be designware/synopsys' fault. I wanted to see if I could drag forward the kernel module code from 4.4.138 and compile it inside of the 4.4.162 tree or something but I haven't had time to mess with that.

Not related to this thread, but is someone somewhere working on the i2s audio problem?
He is providing those patches. They already work since today.
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