A more balanced Pinebook Pro

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It's time to get C H O N K Y! Big Grin

While I enjoy how light the PBP is (1.31 kg / 2.9 lbs), I was frustrated with the unbalance of pinebook pro and it's top-heaviness.

So I decided to experiment and added 4 OZ of tungsten putty and ~1.38 OZ of rectanglular pinewood derby weights.

Although my machine is 152 grams heavier, I can now open my pinebook pro with one hand (like a Macbook! an impossible feat before...) and it feels much more premium and balanced overall.

Pics and video included.

Nice mod for those who don't care all that much about heft Smile
You can find me on IRC, Discord and Twitter

interesting idea, i never considered the lightness and two-handed opening to be a problem...

this is why choice is awesome, tho.
Neat! I don't think I'll do that (since I don't have materials on hand and haven't yet had a need to open it up), but I had noticed the imbalance and the more involved opening process. I was wondering if adding an NVMe drive would help, but a listing says one only weighs 8g. I wonder if any of the other components could be moved to keep the same net weight, but have better balance?
(01-25-2020, 12:07 PM)Damon Wrote: Neat! I don't think I'll do that (since I don't have materials on hand and haven't yet had a need to open it up), but I had noticed the imbalance and the more involved opening process. I was wondering if adding an NVMe drive would help, but a listing says one only weighs 8g. I wonder if any of the other components could be moved to keep the same net weight, but have better balance?

You can get the derby weights at hobby stores (e.g., Hobby Lobby) and you can get the tungsten putty on amazon, FYI.

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