03-25-2023, 10:49 AM
I’ve searched the forums but haven’t found any answers to my problem I received my PBP yesterday before work I decided to setup the laptop and update it everything was going smooth and I was generally happy with my purchase I started the update command it said something about outdated keys I updated those continued with the update and rebooted the device (all through the terminal) after that it hung on the restart screen for a moment then restarted it flashed the boot up screen for Manjaro with the loading symbol and then went blank after about 5 or so minutes I held the power button to force the device off and now I get a blank screen with everything EMMC/microsd/ and usb won’t even work my usb drive receives no power no matter the usb port I use (mine has a power indicator so I can tell if it’s in use or not) so I’m stuck I have no idea what to do the power light on PBP is solid green just no activity on the screen whatsoever do I need to disable my EMMC or mess with the SPI? Any help is appreciated thank you!