09-23-2020, 09:07 PM
I've got a 2017 14" Pinebook with a 64 GB eMMC installed. When I got it, I put the standard Xenial Mate image to boot from eMMC and then didn't touch it for a while. I recently pulled it out and updated to the latest version of Mate available just through `do-release-upgrade`. But that seemed to break some things like the battery life indicator, so I decided to try to find a new image to flash instead.
First, I want to say that I'm pretty disappointed with the state of the wiki for the OG Pinebook. Lots of broken links and not very updated information.
After poking around looking for images to use, I decided to try out Armbian and Manjaro. I have tried the following images all with the same behavior:
To make sure it wasn't a power issue I bought a new cable and a new power supply. To make sure it wasn't an SD card, I bought a couple new SD cards. As a last ditch effort I flashed the original Xenial Mate image from the wiki (xenial-mate-pinebook-bspkernel-0.7.28-136.img) and that booted up just fine. It also boots totally fine from eMMC into the original Xenial image I've update there and I can use it and leave it powered on without the screen going black and becoming unresponsive. I even tried booting from a recent Android image (android-7.1-pine-a64-pinebook-v0.3.5-r61.img - is that recent? I don't know) and that worked just fine.
I'm assuming there's something in the most recent kernel that is not compatible with the original Pinebook? Is this a known issue and is there anyone that knows what the latest version of the kernel I can use for one of these images is? I will start trying to find one on my own, but it would be great if someone already knew.
First, I want to say that I'm pretty disappointed with the state of the wiki for the OG Pinebook. Lots of broken links and not very updated information.
After poking around looking for images to use, I decided to try out Armbian and Manjaro. I have tried the following images all with the same behavior:
- Manjaro-ARM-i3-pinebook-20.04-emmc-installer-20.04.img.xz
- Manjaro-ARM-i3-pinebook-20.08.img.xz
- Manjaro-ARM-kde-plasma-pinebook-20.08.img.xz
- Armbian_20.08.1_Pinebook-a64_focal_current_5.8.5_desktop.img
- Armbian_20.08.1_Pinebook-a64_buster_current_5.8.5_desktop.img.xz
- Armbian_20.08.1_Pinebook-a64_bionic_current_5.8.5.img (pretty sure this was the headless server)
To make sure it wasn't a power issue I bought a new cable and a new power supply. To make sure it wasn't an SD card, I bought a couple new SD cards. As a last ditch effort I flashed the original Xenial Mate image from the wiki (xenial-mate-pinebook-bspkernel-0.7.28-136.img) and that booted up just fine. It also boots totally fine from eMMC into the original Xenial image I've update there and I can use it and leave it powered on without the screen going black and becoming unresponsive. I even tried booting from a recent Android image (android-7.1-pine-a64-pinebook-v0.3.5-r61.img - is that recent? I don't know) and that worked just fine.
I'm assuming there's something in the most recent kernel that is not compatible with the original Pinebook? Is this a known issue and is there anyone that knows what the latest version of the kernel I can use for one of these images is? I will start trying to find one on my own, but it would be great if someone already knew.