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Graphics |
Posted by: Danne79 - 12-10-2015, 07:19 AM - Forum: Linux on Pine A64(+)
- Replies (36)
Hi, wille there be any graphics drivers for Linux so we can use it as a media player or will there only be Android media player that is supported?
PXE-Like Boot? |
Posted by: BostonBay - 12-09-2015, 09:46 PM - Forum: Pine A64 Projects, Ideas and Tutorials
- Replies (10)
Can the PINE 64 boot from a TFTP server or NFS Share?
For example, could a bootstrap be placed on the micro-SD that would boot a Linux OS over the network? The bootstrap on the SD card would be simple and rarely change. The Linux OS on the TFTP or NFS share could be dynamic.
Simple questions from a non tech guy. |
Posted by: Ramlatus - 12-09-2015, 08:26 PM - Forum: Getting Started
- Replies (6)
Here is a copy of a message I sent to the creators/developers... I was thinking that some of these things could be answered for me here and then others like me would be able to benefit from it.
This project really really fascinates me, but I am not knowledgable about computers. I don't know enough about some of the terms your using to know the full extent of the boards abilities. The idea of expanding with more boards could be the kick computers needs to jump to the next level. What can I do with the computer? I don't know any OS except Windows, and I stumble through android on my tablet (still using a flip phone here), with dozens of Apps I have no idea what they are. Will I be able to use the computer, with the proper interfaces of course.
I guess what I am asking is how can I, a not so computery person use and benefit from the computer?
I really love the idea and modular design of it.
oh and if someone gets say 10 is there a housing option, or do you have ideas for that?
Thanks all for responses.
WIFI & Bluetooth? |
Posted by: 7777777 - 12-09-2015, 09:56 AM - Forum: Wifi/BT Module
- Replies (14)
Good to see the 31k goal ordered the 2GB one
I wonder which expansion chip can we purchase with bluetooth + wifi, and what is the name of its port?
thanks in advance
Delivery of Kickstarter Pledge |
Posted by: 841210 - 12-09-2015, 07:23 AM - Forum: General Discussion on PINE A64(+)
- Replies (8)
Hi, if I were to pledge the amount of dollars required for two A64+ 2GB 'early-bird' boards ($58) and added the delivery fee for one board ($7 dollars to US) would I be able to recieve both of the boards (totalling $65), considering that they are both going to the same destination?
I apologise if this is the totally wrong place to ask this, but I'm not sure as to where I should, and the forums are almost always a good place to ask.