My Board Layout Diagram
Apropos having issues with the "published" so far diagrams - I did up my own "dummies" board layout diagram...

Here's a PNG (large file) :
[Image: rect3558_zpsz9u4dt6c.png]

Attached is the SVG I created the above from (using Inkscape on both Windows and Linux)...

If anyone wants to edit it - feel free...   I will update perhaps in time if I need more functionality - but so far all I need is PWR switch on EXP, UART on EULER, and BATT on EULER...   So I may not document the PI-2 Bus 'cause so far I've no need of any of those pins...

Mmmm - I've tried attaching the SVG file but it won't post...   Anyone wants it - PM me or something...

Ahhh...  The SVG is over 3Mb....
Attempt 3 - saved another version with the bitmaps removed (except for the screen grabs of the pinout tables) :

What gives?  LAYOUTY.SVG is only 385 kb - still won't upload...  I give up...
Its rather busy, isn't it?

The diagram fails to highlight power on euler 4&6; uart3&4 are not highlighted, uart0 (shown accessed on euler) is better accessed on the EXP header 7 8 &9, uart2 on PI is not highlighted, and the overall pinouts diagrams (located here on the wiki) are really too small, aren't they?

This chart is a galant effort, and if it helps you fine, but it seems too specific to be useful generally, and is just busy enough to be really confusing specifically;  which can raise more questions than it answers. On the other hand, it just may come in useful for lots of people (time will tell).

edit:  PS   Also, if you would post your pics the way I told you to, you would be able to upload your content, the pics would show as thumb-nails (which makes them easier to read by everyone), and the expanded pics would have a better resolution.

I will post specific instructions as a sticky tomorrow.
marcushh777    Cool

please join us for a chat @   or ssl

( I regret that I am not able to respond to personal messages;  let's meet on irc! )
(09-06-2016, 10:45 PM)MarkHaysHarris777 Wrote: Its rather busy, isn't it?

The diagram fails to highlight power on euler 4&6; uart3&4 are not highlighted, uart0 (shown accessed on euler) is better accessed on the EXP header 7 8 &9, uart2 on PI is not highlighted, and the overall pinouts diagrams (located here on the wiki) are really too small, aren't they?

This chart is a galant effort, and if it helps you fine, but it seems too specific to be useful generally, and is just busy enough to be really confusing specifically;  which can raise more questions than it answers. On the other hand, it just may come in useful for lots of people (time will tell).

edit:  PS   Also, if you would post your pics the way I told you to, you would be able to upload your content, the pics would show as thumb-nails (which makes them easier to read by everyone), and the expanded pics would have a better resolution.

I will post specific instructions as a sticky tomorrow.

The Pine64+ system-board itself is rather "busy"...    Also - I'd rather be advised, coaxed, persuaded, I'm an "actual real" Outlaw and don't like being "told"  Smile - and most of the "busyness" is the tables which are screen grabs from the PDF document from Pine itself...  The diagram is mostly for my own use - yes - but I really could have done with something like this months ago...

As I posted in one of the lower paragraphs in my original post above - I'm probably not going to label/document any of the PINs I'm not using...but I may update with labels for the RESET switch on the EXP headers - however - I'm still confused - if I jumper a switch via EXP PIN4 - where do I jam the other side?

Here's it updated with the bitmaps removed :
[Image: LOUTISH_zpslgwfdmlx.png]
(09-06-2016, 11:11 PM)UnixOutlaw Wrote: I'm still confused - if I jumper a switch via EXP PIN4 - where do I jam the other side?

Answer: Other side only needs to connect to another ground pin, so if you don't need it, connect to pin 9 on the ext header. or splice the wire connected to pin 6 so it goes to two switches (or piggyback off the other switch) Tongue

Yes, that does look like a busy layout, but this one image consolidates at lot of info from multiple documents into the one page... Is that suitable for A4 print? Making it a good one page reference? What could work out better would be a two sided A4 doc... with the board connectors and headers labelled on the front side, and all the headers broken out on the other, also highlighting GPIO names and busses...

Nice work though... nice to see another approach to the documentation! Maybe it will inspire others to do the same! My only niggle would be the dark blue for GND makes the text almost unreadable... needs to be a lighter background.
The SVG file, in Inkscape, is A3 page size...

I have really sh!t eyesight - that's the only page size I'd be able to use - for reference...

I'm yet to print this out (I have A3 colour laser printer at work) - will make a few more changes before I do that...

The colours I chose for UART ground were for me - I'm colour blind (red/green) so wanted to make them distinct from any other colours...

Ideally I'd like to follow out from the tables on the sheet - what almost every GPIO (i.e. EULER, EXP and PI-2) PIN does with a direct pointer to the map of the actual board...
Very good... keep at it; interested in what you come up with.
marcushh777    Cool

please join us for a chat @   or ssl

( I regret that I am not able to respond to personal messages;  let's meet on irc! )
I think this is great. I'm a visual person so having everything labeled right on the diagram of the board is great.

I haven't connected anything to the pine yet, except for the power buttons. But stuff like this gives me ideas, which may or may not someday turn into actual projects.

I'm looking forward to watching this develop as you add to it over time.
(09-07-2016, 03:22 AM)pfeerick Wrote: Tongue

Yes, that does look like a busy layout, but this one image consolidates at lot of info from multiple documents into the one page... Is that suitable for A4 print? Making it a good one page reference? What could work out better would be a two sided A4 doc... with the board connectors and headers labelled on the front side, and all the headers broken out on the other, also highlighting GPIO names and busses...

Nice work though... nice to see another approach to the documentation! Maybe it will inspire others to do the same! My only niggle would be the dark blue for GND makes the text almost unreadable... needs to be a lighter background.

I made a few changes for more consistency - removed some of the lines and shapes and arrows - and printed it out A3 - it's WAY too big!

I reckon I could get most of this onto A4 easily...   And yes - the tables of pinouts are only on there while I'm updating the document - they could easily go on the reverse page.  Unfortunately, about the only feature missing from Inkscape that I loved in CorelDraw - is multi-page documents!
Hehehe... I did sort of warn you there! Wink

I'll just wait until the condensed version 2 then before printing it then... and better you than me with Inkscape... my graphics skills are s#$t. I know what I like... but I just don't have the patience to make lovely pinout diagrams like this one... I'd just do up a table in word and be done with it!

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