how to get rid of heavy distortion from the speakers?
(02-15-2022, 11:21 AM)stozi Wrote: Greetangs bredren,

It used to be that

[font=monospace][color=#000000]# amixer sset 'DAC Stereo Enhancement' 0[/color][/font]

Vastly reduced distortion from the speakers. It now only returns

[font=monospace][color=#000000]amixer: Mixer attach default error: Host is down[/color][/font]

and distortion is pretty bad atm. What to do?


so I double checked the amixer commands that used to lower the 'DAC Stereo Enhancement' setting. If run as a normal user, amixer returns a different error message, which hints at a missing control entry for that DAC enhancement.

amixer sset 'DAC Stereo Enhancement' 0


amixer: Unable to find simple control 'DAC Stereo Enhancement',0

This can be confirmed by listing all available simple controls

amixer scontrols

which now only returns two entries:

Simple mixer control 'Master',0
Simple mixer control 'Capture',0

Seems like the 'DAC Stereo Enhancement' control entry no longer exists. I'll dig a little deeper into this, but at least I think I found the general problem :D


Ok, I think I got it to work:

amixer -c 0 sset 'DAC Stereo Enhancement' 0

does the trick.
t. RotatingNut

Messages In This Thread
RE: how to get rid of heavy distortion from the speakers? - by RotatingNut - 02-17-2022, 05:41 AM

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