FAIR WARNING: After I followed these steps and then updated Manjaro it failed to boot. Until the image itself is updated, I do not recommend installing this variant of Manjaro!
The current Manjaro Gnome image is very old. Manjaro has changed how it updates, so in order to make it update I ran the below command from this comment (https://forum.manjaro.org/t/all-mirrors-.../123901/17) in the Manjaro forums:
and then ran pacman -Syyu after. Unfortuantely, that didn't work, as pacman was making a fuss about the xorgproto package, so after a little googling I ran the command: pacman -Rdd libdmx libxxf86dga, which removed the problematic package and allowed me to update.
Hope this saves somebody some time!
EDIT: So that brought the updates up to April. In order to be fully up to date I had to edit my pacman mirrors file (I copied and pasted this from same Manjaro forum, just further down: https://forum.manjaro.org/t/all-mirrors-.../123901/22)
The current Manjaro Gnome image is very old. Manjaro has changed how it updates, so in order to make it update I ran the below command from this comment (https://forum.manjaro.org/t/all-mirrors-.../123901/17) in the Manjaro forums:
sudo pacman -U http://ftp-osl.osuosl.org/pub/manjaro-arm/repo/stable/core/aarch64/pacman-mirrorlist-20200225-1-any.pkg.tar.xz
and then ran pacman -Syyu after. Unfortuantely, that didn't work, as pacman was making a fuss about the xorgproto package, so after a little googling I ran the command: pacman -Rdd libdmx libxxf86dga, which removed the problematic package and allowed me to update.
Hope this saves somebody some time!
EDIT: So that brought the updates up to April. In order to be fully up to date I had to edit my pacman mirrors file (I copied and pasted this from same Manjaro forum, just further down: https://forum.manjaro.org/t/all-mirrors-.../123901/22)
- Edit your
- file, so only this line is present:
Server = https://manjaro.moson.eu/arm-stable/$repo/$arch