01-13-2016, 03:11 PM
I figured I would start this thread to help gather information about the 3d engine within allwinner devices. I currently know that the latest arm driver release to support the Utgard Micro-architecture is r6p0-01rel0. This driver was released around November 10, 2015. The Mali versions that have possible support for this version are as follows...
- Mali-200
- Mali-300
- Mali-400 MP - This is what is in the Allwinner chips.
- Mali-450 MP
- Open Source Mali Utgard GPU Linux Kernel Drivers - kernel drivers.
- Open Source Mali GPUs UMP User Space Drivers Source Code - libump
- Open Source Mali GPUs Linux EXA/DRI2 and X11 Display Drivers - Xorg drivers
- Open Source Mali GPUs Android Gralloc Module - This is the open source portion of android drivers.