I translated the quick start guide to Greek, if anyone else knows the language please check it out to correct any errors @
lukasz .
In the English document you probably mean "Safety Precautions" instead of "Safety cautions".
In 2.2 you write "The end user is legally obliged to return used batteries.", I guess this is only meant if the users are unable to dispose the batteries properly by themselves or unwilling to do so and in that case they should return it back to you to be properly disposed of and not that all users are legally obligated to return used batteries to PINE64.
You have section 3.2 two times.
In section with "Privacy switches", which should be 3.3, on number 4 it reads "Read Camera" instead of "Rear Camera".
In 3.3 it reads "For detailed instructions and to select and operating systems please please visit:" which probably should be "For detailed instructions and to select an operating system please visit:"
These are my remarks, which may or may not be right.
Since we can't upload files I will link it from Google Drive
Greek Translation.