02-25-2020, 02:50 PM
Anybody do a clean install of Manjaro 20.02 KDE to EMMC yet (Manjaro-ARM-kde-plasma-pbpro-20.02-emmc-installer)? I have tried it now a couple times (each with fresh download and SD re-image) to my PBpro (ISO verison) w/128GB EMMC and it installs fine, but trying to launch certain apps like the updater from the tool bar or right click to configure desktop causes a plasma crash or kicks me back to the login. I have also had the screen lock up on me if sitting unattended for awhile at the login...mouse works but does not wake up (not blank screen, just frozen login screen (clock frozen at time locked up)). Ran an update from the command line but I think it only updated one package (did not pay attention) and that did not resolve the issue.
Version 19.xx was working perfectly, going back to it tonight if I cannot get it sorted. Just wondering if anybody else is experiencing this...or if I am lucky ? Might try XFCE for giggles....
Version 19.xx was working perfectly, going back to it tonight if I cannot get it sorted. Just wondering if anybody else is experiencing this...or if I am lucky ? Might try XFCE for giggles....