This month's update is almost entirely about the PinePhone, but we also have news on the Pinebook Pro (including shipping info!).
Community administrator and sysadmin for PINE64
(Translation: If something breaks on the website, forum, or chat network, I'm a good person to yell at about it)
So what carriers will I be able to connect a PinePhone too?
Why not creating a kickstarter or indiegogo campaining?
(09-09-2019, 04:21 AM)noob Wrote: When pinephone forum ?
When we're about to start preorders for the public, just like with the Pinebook Pro.
Community administrator and sysadmin for PINE64
(Translation: If something breaks on the website, forum, or chat network, I'm a good person to yell at about it)
Alternative Phone OSes
Hi all,
I think about getting a Pine Phone. I just don't understand the consequences of using an alternative Phone OS.
I was googling for experience reports but did not find any that made me feel like I understand the shortcomings.
Is anyone here running an alternative Phone OS and wants to talk about their experience? I don't want to ask any specific questions as don't want to limit answers.
So... The update didn't mention the PineTab. Is there any news on that development front?