Netrunner 18.03 Idolon for the Pinebook
And the volume does not restore?
Thats a bit strange. As it is working here and we now also added a script to save the alsa volumes on suspend and restore them on wakeup from suspend with exactly that commands.
And it is working in our tests.
I will try it again, but it did not work. Also, the suspend itself did not work. Or It it was fixed already? That would be great.
Suspend in general should work also in the first released Image.
(05-17-2018, 03:16 AM)leszek Wrote: Suspend in general should work also in the first released Image.

Yes, it may work, just there is a problem with that quick discharging. I will try that sound once more though.

(05-17-2018, 02:12 AM)leszek Wrote: And the volume does not restore?
Thats a bit strange. As it is working here and we now also added a script to save the alsa volumes on suspend and restore them on wakeup from suspend with exactly that commands.
And it is working in our tests.

So it is working in some newer version? The problem is, that the sound stopped working after first attempt to suspend and now it has nothing to restore, because there is no sound at all, so it can only restore the no sound status. There was absolutely no way how to restore the sound in my tests.

edit: ok, tried that again, does not work Sad
did someone knows how to install sunxi driver?
Not sure what you actually mean.
So for what do you need a driver?
Also, which sunxi driver ?
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For the life of me I can't get suspend/resume to work. Upon pressing Fn+Esc (sleep hotkey) screen fades to black and turns off, but power light is still on. After waiting a few minutes and pressing the power button, the screen backlight comes on, but nothing, a blank screen that lasts until a hard reset by holding the power button. I've tried running the image from an sd card as well as dd'ing it to the emmc itself, same result.

Is there any way to fix this behavior to make suspend/resume actually function like in Ayufan's Xenial Mate images?

P.S. the same behavior exists on the KDE Neon daily builds as well
I can use netrunner from sd and detects emmc but I don't know how to install on emmc.

I did dd if=/mmcblk0p1 of=/mmcblk1p1 without sucess...

I see I have mccblk0p1 for sd, and mmcblk1p1 for emmc, but appears too mmcblk1p1boot1 and mmcblk1p1boot0...

How I can fix it to use from emmc? O_o
(06-01-2018, 04:54 AM)erchache2000 Wrote: I did dd if=/mmcblk0p1 of=/mmcblk1p1 without sucess...

That will probably corrupt because it's not read only and changes can occur while you are copying data.

Copy/download an image to your sdcard and use dd to write that to emmc

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