I just got my Pinea64 2gb a few days ago and have been trying to get android TV to boot on it. I was able to get the official Ubuntu mate image to work so I know the board isn't bad. I have tried android tv 5.1.1, 6.0, and 7.0. All that happens when I plug it in and turn it on is the screen I'm using (both 1080p one is a large TV and one is a computer monitor, both are using straight HDMI) turns orange and after 10-15 seconds goes black and comes back as orange for 3 minutes before restarting again. Any ideas?
I chatted with two folks last night on the irc with this symptom. One was able to correct the problem by using the 2nd hdmi input on the TV rather than the first. (this also required a firmware upgrade on the TV )
The second one was able to get it running by using version 6.0 and the 2nd hdmi input.
hope this helps; but, it looks like an issue needs to be opened so that ayufan can take a look at it.
please join us for a chat @ irc.pine64.xyz:6667 or ssl irc.pine64.xyz:6697
( I regret that I am not able to respond to personal messages; let's meet on irc! )
First try to gather more information, opening an issue that is not really reproducible doesn't make much sense... can you get a serial converter (3,3V) and see what output you have on UART0?
I can confirm this problem too. It must have recently started (I'm using android 6.0). The previous version I was using worked great with no video problems. Something seems to have changed in the recent ones. Neither HDMI input works (both orange screen), edited the boot file to set resolution and tried tinkering with the "hdmi0 hdmi1" options. Still the same problem.
Tried burning the image with DD and Etcher - both same result.
Previous versions worked fine however.