So while on the internet, I stumbled upon an Image of Raspbian for the pine64, it is technically for the banana pi64, but hardware is identical.
It just so happens this is probably the easiest initial start for anyone new to pine64. First download the link here:
Unzip the folder to get the .img file, and burn the Image to a minimum 8Gb class4 sd card. Once you have got the sd card ready to boot, plug in your hardware you want to use, and boot. HDMI wont boot up instantly, so the first boot really just decompresses .img to its folders and files.
Shutdown your pine64, put sd card into your windows or mac, or Linux to read the disk, you are looking for Config.txt open this file. Remove the #'s for the commands you want, such as HDMI, save file, eject.
Now put the sd card back into your pine and boot, you will have linux penguins for a moment, then you will boot into the desktop with USB, Ethernet, HDMI all working. Now you can do raspberry pi projects with your pine64.
Update, after burning sd card, eject then put back in your computer and the file is editable before first boot up.
i did
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
the update process was a rather lengthy one. afterwards chromium browser was available to be installed. however 'the awe snap..' problem with page loading that was such a big issue before and solved by adding"--disable-seacomp-filter-sandbox" to the starup command was no longer able to be fixed by the startup command. if anyone figures a way to get chromium working on this build i'd like to read about it. i spent some time on youtube just seeing what videos this build could handle and it would not handle 1080p nor 4k playback. so that talk on bpi website seems to be just that, talk. still, this continues to be an interesting twist to pine64 o/s behavior.
(12-16-2016, 07:01 PM)speedro86 Wrote: So while on the internet, I stumbled upon an Image of Raspbian for the pine64, it is technically for the banana pi64, but hardware is identical.
It just so happens this is probably the easiest initial start for anyone new to pine64. First download the link here:
Unzip the folder to get the .img file, and burn the Image to a minimum 8Gb class4 sd card. Once you have got the sd card ready to boot, plug in your hardware you want to use, and boot. HDMI wont boot up instantly, so the first boot really just decompresses .img to its folders and files.
Shutdown your pine64, put sd card into your windows or mac, or Linux to read the disk, you are looking for Config.txt open this file. Remove the #'s for the commands you want, such as HDMI, save file, eject.
Now put the sd card back into your pine and boot, you will have linux penguins for a moment, then you will boot into the desktop with USB, Ethernet, HDMI all working. Now you can do raspberry pi projects with your pine64.
Hi - How did you make the network wifi to work?
(12-24-2016, 04:21 PM)Shai Wrote: (12-16-2016, 07:01 PM)speedro86 Wrote: So while on the internet, I stumbled upon an Image of Raspbian for the pine64, it is technically for the banana pi64, but hardware is identical.
It just so happens this is probably the easiest initial start for anyone new to pine64. First download the link here:
Unzip the folder to get the .img file, and burn the Image to a minimum 8Gb class4 sd card. Once you have got the sd card ready to boot, plug in your hardware you want to use, and boot. HDMI wont boot up instantly, so the first boot really just decompresses .img to its folders and files.
Shutdown your pine64, put sd card into your windows or mac, or Linux to read the disk, you are looking for Config.txt open this file. Remove the #'s for the commands you want, such as HDMI, save file, eject.
Now put the sd card back into your pine and boot, you will have linux penguins for a moment, then you will boot into the desktop with USB, Ethernet, HDMI all working. Now you can do raspberry pi projects with your pine64.
Hi - How did you make the network wifi to work? I've run into the same problem with Raspbian and wifi connection.
What I've done to solve it:
1) Install wifi driver:
git clone
cd rtl8723bs
sudo make
sudo make install
sudo depmod -a
sudo modprobe r8723bs
2) "lsmod" should show you Module with "r8723bs" name.
3) Autoload the WIFI driver when you boot the operating system, you should add “8723bs” into the /etc/modules file
sudo nano /etc/modules
sudo reboot
Now, you can use your wifi on Pine64 Raspbian build. Have a good day!