Most of my threaded inserts have failed. It started from day-1 when my originally dead-on-arrival new PBP arrived back from warranty service for a dead screen. I think the screws were torqued too much, which stressed the plastic supports for the inserts.
It became critical when the hinges failed. I've painstakingly used JB Weld to rebuild the supports and bond the inserts back. The trick is to wait for the JB Weld to set well but still be flexible enough to make any final alignment adjustments with the screws in place. I put the screws barely threaded in place from the with a dab on oil on the threads--threaded just enough to use the screws as alignment tools when the JB Weld has set to a firm but still somewhat flexible consistency.
It's a tough and tedious job and it required re-doing a few of the inserts for better alignment. I rework and prepare the plastic with a Dremel tool and several tiny carbide bits.
Okay, you guys made me paranoid about this, so I had to open it up and check; no problems.
Mine is from the 2022 batch though.
PinePhone, Pinebook Pro & PineTab2 owner.
What are you going to use?
PinePhone, Pinebook Pro & PineTab2 owner.
Thanks, I’m debating what to use as well.
PinePhone, Pinebook Pro & PineTab2 owner.
Welp, I spent two days servicing clocks, something very restorative to my sanity, which I rarely get to do. And it reminded me that I forgot to reply to this thread.
When I had opened my newest PBP (prolly less than one year old when I did, maybe in October?) I could not get the hinges apart, for there were some screws trapped in broken plastic, and I wasn't ambitious enough to try to fix it. So I squirted some unbranded horologist's oil from a cheap pen oiler on the hinges. It worked satisfactorily enough for my purposes, though someday I'll have to tear it apart and see what I can do to fix it.
The pen oiler was one from Timesavers. Their catalog may say what kind of oil it is, but probably not. It's the kind of oil you use only when you don't expect a severe condition, and just cross your fingers. I've never had anything fail from its use, so maybe it's better than I give it credit for; I have no idea.
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I went with some generic synthetic grease & it seems to be fine.
PinePhone, Pinebook Pro & PineTab2 owner.