We installed PostmarketOS posh on your first PinePhone, and are happy that whe managed to install and start LibreOffice on it. The installation method was distro hopping:
We have now PostmarketOS and LibreOffice installed. When we put in the installation SD card, it boots into JumpDrive, and is possible to access files on the PinePhone from PC with the Windows file explorer, which is great, an option which was a reason to change from an Android phone to a PinePhone.
Currently we love our installation and it s features.
We managed to install LibreOffice by typing:
sudo apk add libreoffice
now, we tried to install wayvnc on our setup:
command: sudo apt install wayvnc
error: sudo: apt: command not found
we tried:
command: sudo apt install wayvnc
which worked fine.
We installed TigerVNC on our Windows PC and run it:
the TigerVNC whe installed is a VNC viewer which asks for a VNC server.
«Now on your PC, using the VNC client of your choice (we have chosen TigerVNC), connect to the phone's IP address and port 5900»
phone ip adress is:
port it will use the default 5900 as wibble said.
The TigerVNC ask for VNC server. Whe typed in as VNC server in the TigerVNC VNC window. We could not find an option to set a port in TigerVNC. We pressed «connect in TigerVNC. The TigerVNC window disappeared.
After a view seconds, the TigerVNC responded with an error message,
unable to connect to The other side did not respond after a certain period of time. The host did not react. Try once more?
We tried several times once more.
The phone is still listening patiently after typing:
wayvnc -r
what might be wrong?