(08-01-2018, 12:59 PM)sez11a Wrote: I'm going to try #2 unless somebody has any more information. My goal is through upstream, fix the NetworkManager issue (it was a Plasma 5 regression that has now been fixed), and possibly the sleep issue.
Success! I just booted the machine after updating, and I'm posting this from my Pinebook! I can report that auto-connecting to wifi is fixed. I haven't yet tested sound/sleep, but will do that next (I want to do a cold shutdown/restart first). Here's what I did to get it updated from the Debian repositories:
1. In /etc/apt/sources.list.d are three files: debian-testing.list, netrunner.list, and netrunner-rolling.list. In each of them are various repository URLs, commented out. Re-enable them by removing the hash mark (#) from the beginning of the line.
2. Run sudo apt-get update. Then run apt-get dist-upgrade, but DON'T hit Y to upgrade; hit N. Take note of the X packages that are listed for upgrade (I copy/pasted them into a text file). For convenience, here's the list:
- x11-apps
- x11-session-utils
- x11-utils
- x11-xkb-utils
- x11-xserver-utils
- xfonts-utils
- xinit
- xserver-common
- xserver-xorg-input-mouse
- xserver-xorg-legacy
3. For each of the packages above, run
apt-mark hold [package name]
This tells the package manager not to upgrade these packages, thus avoiding the ABI mismatch error I ran into at first.
4. Run apt-get dist-upgrade. This will take a while and download a lot of stuff, including an updated Plasma 5 desktop with the fix for the wifi issue. You'll also be asked some questions; where possible, just keep all the current settings.
5. Reboot, and you'll connect to wifi automatically.
Next I'll test the other issues to see if anything else is fixed, but I wanted to get these instructions out as quick as I could.