Bluetooth low energy & ANT+ sports sensors Pinephone distro?
The PMOS CE version that is available in the store right now, do have fixed the usb-c problem:

All options are possible now, next to BLE also support for ANT+sensors with an ANT+ stick.

Migrating the Adafruit Peloton Open Source BIke Computer to the Pinephone and adding more features like ANT+ support, MQQT brocker, Open Source Infux Data Base for sensors from different devices, and Grafana for visualization, would make out of the Pinephone a multi purpose device for all kind of sports people:
You can also discuss how to use the Pinephone to stream  BLE and ANT+ sensors in the Matlab over MQTT:
Questions how to build a connection between Rasperri PI, Pinephone, MQTT, Matlab. All information are there. But for someone who is not familiar with Bluetooth low energy sensor streaming and MQTT this is a hard job. For others it's an easy one. An example would be very helpful, for instance for the Rasperri PI, which then can be developed further, run on the Linux Pinephone, etc.

There is an Android app IpBike which supports ANT+ sensors and BLE sensors. Unfortunately, IpBike does not offer Ip streaming. Is this not a shame?

I wrote a long thread in the support forum of IpBike about this subject. Unfortunately, the developer Ifor Powell did not react to my posts. It is difficult do depend on an Android app which is not open source for an Ip stream, and to depend on a developer which does not seem to be interested in new developements. Therefore I m promoting development of an Ip stream on the Pinephone.
Daniel Thompson, PineTime developer stated on his youtube channel, that he had no plans to use external BLE sensor with PineTime, but connecting PineTime to BLE peripherals is certainly possible... though it would be a lot of work.

On a Linux platform, it is easier, either on the Pinephone or for instance on an Android watch running Linux.

Or on a real Linux watch from Pine64, which I miss.
Here is a demo of the OpenBCI software with EEG sensors:

can this OpenBCI GUI5 software run on the PinePhone and integrated with BLE and ANT+ sensors? This would be a revolutionary open source bike computer.
Unfortunately, this project is still a theoretical thread, with no practical tests yet. But it looks promising. I became interested in Linux smartwatches, too.

A reviewer stated, that an LG watch G with Linux AsteroidOS 1.0 runs for two days, whereas the PinePhone runs as far as I know only two hours with one battery pack. Good reason to develop this project also on a Linux smartwatch, and to write a Linux smartwatch on the wishlist of Pine64.
How many batteries do you want to use? Until nuclear power is common in small devices, do wireless sensors on a bicycle even make sense? What advantage is a cycle computer on your wrist? The only one I can think of is theft protection.
The bike computer can be modified to become a pure sports watch with Bluetooth low energy support. I was successful in promoting sports watch sensors in the Matlab community. Matlab now supports Bluetooth low energy sports sensors. There is now an example which uses an Under Armour Bluetooth low energy chest strap and Under Amour Bluetooth low energy running shoes in Matlab. But instead of running shoes, also a foot pod like the Stryd foot pod can be used. Bluetooth low energy is very energy efficient:

I can recommend to use the Polar OH1 BLE heart rate sensor and the Stryd BLE foot pod for accuracy reasons. Could the Matlab example not be modified for the PinePhone or for a Linux smartwatch?
Have you asked the Octave community about BLE sensor support? Even if they don't support that matlab method directly they may be able to suggest other options, such as a BLE to MQTT bridge or a bit of python code.

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