In addition to my previous reply, I've checked the SPI flash chip in the board, and strangely it differs from what it's in the datasheet.
My board has a 25Q127CSIG, from GigaDevice.
According to the datasheet from the wiki:
it must be a 25Q128CSIG instead...
Not sure if this 127-128 differentiation on the chip makes sense.
Anyway, I'm going to order few 25Q128CSIG, and once they arrive I'll solder new one there and try to flash it again.
Edit: I'll assume that the SPI chip is faulty, not that there's a fault in the layers/lanes of the board.
My board has a 25Q127CSIG, from GigaDevice.
According to the datasheet from the wiki:
it must be a 25Q128CSIG instead...
Not sure if this 127-128 differentiation on the chip makes sense.
Anyway, I'm going to order few 25Q128CSIG, and once they arrive I'll solder new one there and try to flash it again.
Edit: I'll assume that the SPI chip is faulty, not that there's a fault in the layers/lanes of the board.