12-14-2020, 04:47 PM
(12-14-2020, 04:15 PM)ImaPagan Wrote: I have a short update. After submitting a ticket to Pine64 Support, the ticket went unanswered for about 2 weeks. I finally emailed T Lim tllim@pine64.org and let him know that the ticket was pending. His response: 'Ho Robert,Rather than recycling, you could just wait until LCD panels are available, or offer it up to the community. Others can still use it to develop.
This support team has been reviewed and will note support team to response.
There is no enough evidence that the LCD screen crack by itself and battery still in normal shape.
TL Lim'
And my response back was:
'Thank you for the response. I am surprised that Pine64 arrived at their conclusion without physically examining the Pinetab. However, I understand that the unit is not in warranty and Pine64 can choose to handle the issue as they see fit. The unit will be sent for electronics recycling.
This situation definitely provided me with information about how Pine64 doesn't really stand behind their own products. It is quite sad, as the Pinetab is unique. But the lesson learned for me is to avoid any further Pine64 purchases.'
It is sad as I had high hopes for the Pinetab and other Pine64 products. At this point, however, I can't recommend their products, particularly since they have a very short warranty.