ls -l /var/cache/pacman/pkgs/linux-* ,,, is there linux-pinbookpro-5.8.14...,,, then pacman -U that package
otherwise, install downgrade, may (likely) have to enable arch repo,, AUR is what it is called
5.7.19 also works (for mem sleep)
But reading your post again, I am a bit confused,, bsp uboot has 3 files,
idbloader.img,,uboot.img,,trust.img. When you see u-boot.itb, that is mainline, has trust within it
otherwise, install downgrade, may (likely) have to enable arch repo,, AUR is what it is called
5.7.19 also works (for mem sleep)
But reading your post again, I am a bit confused,, bsp uboot has 3 files,
idbloader.img,,uboot.img,,trust.img. When you see u-boot.itb, that is mainline, has trust within it