Sounds damn annoying
Since you are using manjaro, mostly don't boot, use sleep
Sleep is a lot faster too, ~10-12s for desktop restore, another 10-12s for wifi
Manjaro is one of the 4 distros where sleep works properly (7%/day)
(Elementary is another)
In systemsettings5, under power, you can set it up, for example if
lid switch is bad, to ignore it and pwr button to ask or sleep
have you looked in dmesg for error or fail?
If you have a serial cable, you probably could troubleshoot it
Since you are using manjaro, mostly don't boot, use sleep
Sleep is a lot faster too, ~10-12s for desktop restore, another 10-12s for wifi
Manjaro is one of the 4 distros where sleep works properly (7%/day)
(Elementary is another)
In systemsettings5, under power, you can set it up, for example if
lid switch is bad, to ignore it and pwr button to ask or sleep
have you looked in dmesg for error or fail?
If you have a serial cable, you probably could troubleshoot it