From your blkid paste,,, did you forget to change label for rootfs?? /dev/sda2 if booted SD,,
/dev/mmcblk2p2 when emmc booted (and I would change on SD)
e2label /dev/sda2 your_chosen_label
You do understand??,, manjaro is on 2 partitions, "/" and boot,, / is ext4,,, boot is vfat
fstab will mount both of these, with correct data
the fstab on emmc is for emmc partitions, fstab on SD is for SD partitions
/dev/mmcblk2p2 when emmc booted (and I would change on SD)
e2label /dev/sda2 your_chosen_label
You do understand??,, manjaro is on 2 partitions, "/" and boot,, / is ext4,,, boot is vfat
fstab will mount both of these, with correct data
the fstab on emmc is for emmc partitions, fstab on SD is for SD partitions