DONT INSTALL TO EMMC R77-12371.7.104.g78f88d6 VERSION YET!
(08-06-2020, 05:37 PM)brent.thierens Wrote: If you dd zeros like that, you should be fine.
Alternatively, you can dd the newest uboot version of Manjaro/Debian/... onto the right offsets, and you will be fine as well.
You can find more details and example commands here:

It might be better to use mrfixit's 2.0 uboot, or pcm720's. From what I've seen lately, mainline uboot does not want to boot imgs that are using BSP kernels. Though, it could've been fixed and I missed it.

@shoichimiyake if you want to continue using CrOS from your emmc here are 2 good, updated BSP uboot options:

In the second link, there is a script you can download with the uboot files and run within a shell in crosh. There is also this script from Arglebargle that's a bit more simplified:

Messages In This Thread
RE: DONT INSTALL TO EMMC R77-12371.7.104.g78f88d6 VERSION YET! - by tophneal - 08-07-2020, 09:25 AM

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