03-01-2020, 05:38 PM
Tried upgrading with
and, after a reboot, only a blinking cursor appears.
The xsession error file contained only one line: "Error relocating /usr/bin/startplasma-wayland: _ZN22QDBusAbstractInterface6doCallEN5QDBus8CallModeERK7QStringPK8QVariantm: symbol not found".
Also, what is needed to be able to ssh to the device? The IP shows up when connected via USB, but a connection refused error message is the result of the ssh command.
sudo apk update && sudo apk upgrade --available
and, after a reboot, only a blinking cursor appears.
The xsession error file contained only one line: "Error relocating /usr/bin/startplasma-wayland: _ZN22QDBusAbstractInterface6doCallEN5QDBus8CallModeERK7QStringPK8QVariantm: symbol not found".
Also, what is needed to be able to ssh to the device? The IP shows up when connected via USB, but a connection refused error message is the result of the ssh command.