03-07-2019, 11:57 AM
New forum registree, first comment!
I just learned about Pune64 and I’m absolutely impressed by your product line. I’m very excited for the upcoming Pinebook Pro! My current laptop is aging and broken in lots of ways (still “useable” but not comfortably). I just cannot wait for the realsase of this laptop! Reasonably powered, well built, beautiful and running FREE SOFTWARE, for a very good price. Count me in! I’ve been checking these forums almost daily for the last week to follow the discussion. I’ll be ordering mine as soon as they are available
I just learned about Pune64 and I’m absolutely impressed by your product line. I’m very excited for the upcoming Pinebook Pro! My current laptop is aging and broken in lots of ways (still “useable” but not comfortably). I just cannot wait for the realsase of this laptop! Reasonably powered, well built, beautiful and running FREE SOFTWARE, for a very good price. Count me in! I’ve been checking these forums almost daily for the last week to follow the discussion. I’ll be ordering mine as soon as they are available