(05-01-2018, 04:07 AM)Luke Wrote: If pfeerick doesn't know how to help you then I doubt I'll be of any help - but one thing that tkaiser pointed out to me some time ago when I had a similar problem was, see if you can access tty3. In my case I could.
Just tried the latest xenial-containers build... and it doesn't like me! I jumpered the SPI just in case something was going on there, but no change there either. Something definitely seems broken in the newer images... maybe the DDR speed switching stuff isn't working properly (I'm suspecting that as I tried loading the older 0.6.25 onto the same SD card, and it had the same problem, so I jumpered the SPI so the newer uboot on it didn't run, and viola, the older image booted fine from the SD card... so there definitely looks to be something wrong at the uboot stage)? Anyway, sticking with the older 0.6.25 on eMMC for now.