(05-01-2018, 03:58 PM)S3phi40T Wrote: Anyone have update son this?
I was trying to add multiboot / test out of the box Ayufan's options but couldn't get menu to appear for me but increased timeout increased booting time so it must be out there ...hidden.
I hope you weren't expecting to see it on your monitor, as AFAIK, it's only visible on the serial console, as it should be way too early in the boot process for HDMI and usb keyboard support...
When I'm connected to the serial console, I see a menu similar to this one discussed back in post 8:
mmc1 is current device
Scanning mmc 1:1...
Found /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf
Retrieving file: /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf
891 bytes read in 73 ms (11.7 KiB/s)
Rock64 boot options
1: kernel-4.14
2: kernel-4.15-rc6
3: kernel-4.4
Enter choice: 2
2: kernel-4.15-rc6
Retrieving file: /boot/Image-4.15-rc6
And there is more info here about the boot menu - https://github.com/ayufan-rock64/linux-b...booting.md