10-17-2017, 01:23 AM
you might want to try the last release version rather than the latest build. also, there are a couple of other ways to write the image, there is pine installer, etcher, and if windows machine win32diskimage if you have ubuntu you can use the disks program, i think. so my advice is to format with sd card format program and then try an image program until you find one that works for your setup. there have been 2 programs i've used most of the time the past 17 months, i format the card with sd card format and write with win32diskimage when using my windows laptop and if on my ubuntu laptop i use etcher. the only utility i have ever had issues with is that piece of junk from allwiner, i can not remember the name, but if you have been around for a year or longer you may know the one i'm talking about and i have never used the pine installer.