09-06-2017, 10:05 AM
I carried the xmodmap keyboard remapping to the next level by remapping some of the rest of the numeric keypad for useful i3 work ; then I added bindsym entries in ~/.config/i3/config to be able to map and unmap the keyboard with a single keystroke !
KP_Insert --> Super_L
KP_Delete --> Super_R
KP_Enter --> Return
KP_begin --> Control_R
bindsym entries in ~/.config/i3/config
bindsym $mod+Shift+KP_Add exec xmodmap ~/xmodmap_changes
bindsym $mod+Shift+KP_Subtract exec xmodmap ~/xmodmap_original
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please join us for a chat @ irc.pine64.xyz:6667 or ssl irc.pine64.xyz:6697
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